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Was given easy tip for neurologic pain!

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    Was given easy tip for neurologic pain!

    I've had neurologic pain in my left leg/foot since long before diagnosis in 2003. The drugs helped somewhat. I was at the right place at the right time and was given the tip to rub the place that was sore to de-sensitize it. I used to avoid that totally. Does it cure it? No. But it does help and the best part is it gives me some control over this MS that takes so much control away. So I am very happy about that! If it helps anyone else, that will also make me happy! Did I mention the added benefit of letting my husband help? He always wants to do something to make things better and this is one way he can.

    Distraction for neuropathic pain

    Yes, I've noticed with all of my electrical shocks, pin pricks, deep neuro pain, even pins & needles, that if I scratch or rub on the nerve causing the sensation, that it kinda tells my brain that, "Oh, there really is nothing there to be sending a pain signal, so I'll stop."

    It's like the scratching will send the proper message to the brain, instead of its mixed up message.

    Any excuse for a foot rub from DH is a good one!

    Thanks for posting.
    20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


      You are right!

      I did not know that until recently and was avoiding even covering my leg with a sheet due to the pain. After finding out about the frequent, gentle rubbing, things have improved. It's not perfect, but any sense of control is such a gift and I am just thrilled!


        I get a lot of pain in my fingers - the one is definitely my number 10 pain, it blows my day when it comes.

        My doctor told me a long time ago to shake my hands - just wave them quickly in the air several times. This gets my mind focused somewhere else and numbs my fingertips for a few seconds - this really does help the #10 pain- sometimes will make it go away.

        weird, huh?


          Nerve Pain helped by TENs unit.

          I was given electro-stim treatments during a physical therapy session for my nerve pain. It seemed to help. Their office offered an at-home TENs unit which cost $795. I found one online for $55 with more features. For some reason if your affected pain area(s) are being hit with small electric shocks, the pain goes away. It might happen within 10 minutes of treatment or 60 minutes or you have to leave it on all day. The units can fit in your pocket but the wires to the electrodes might cause problems. Personally, I find the TENs unit very helpful for the pain.


            Thank you all for the helpful tips!
            MS - diagnosed 2/05/2013


              Yes on the TENS Unit

              A weird concept, and when I first started going to PT I didn't think I would like the TENS unit at all. Wow, was I wrong! I have a home model and use it on the days when I don't have PT.



                TENs unit

                I am fascinated hearing about these machines because I have no experience with them. Does this do something to desensitize the painful area similar to the rubbing I previously described? Thanks for enlightening me!


                  A friend used it on me once, but I didn't notice anything different.. Are there different settings? Maybe they had it on too low for me? Also, how long did the effects last after using one?
                  1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                  Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                    There is a lot of scientific evidence proving that this mechanism of pain relief really works. Light stimulation (electrical, rubbing etc) actually blocks the nerves (c fibres) that carry pain signals to the brain so if your brain doesn't receive the pain signal, you are not aware of the pain anymore. I am glad that you found this type of pain relief, you don't have to just rely on pain meds now :-)

