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    I have just started using copaxane, its been about 2 weeks and since then I have had an unbearable itch that drives me crazy. When injected it also sting like hell and burns. I am not a baby when it comes to needles but these really hurt and itch. will the itch ever get better is there another drug that is better? Is there some kind of cream that helps with the itch if you also have this ailment.
    Please let me know if you also suffer and have any info that would help with injections.
    Thanks so much/ just new to the injections:

    As far as the stinging goes, if you manually inject it instead of using the auto-injector, it doesn't burn or sting at all when it goes in. Right after the injection it tends to sting and itch a bit, but the longer you are on Copaxone the less it stings. I apply anti-itch cream after I inject and it helps. Watch I really love about Copaxone is that I don't have the side effects like I did when I was on Rebif. Rebif had me feeling like I had the flu all the of the time. I hope this helps you some.


      I'm on copaxone one month now, the itch is worst on my arms and secondly on my thighs. I have given these sites a break for a fortnight as I could not tolerate the itch on my arms and had a cellulitis on my leg. I am just about to start injecting them again.

      I learned some tips on this forum on how to reduce the itch. I don't cold pack before the injection as it causes drug to localise in one place more, I sometimes hot compress about an hour after, I take clarityn anti-histamine tablet before injecting, I use anti-histamine cream 24 hours after, I sometimes use a steroid cream 24 hours after if itch is unbearable, I manually inject and make sure no drop is on needle before injecting, I press down with cotton wool after injection for 1 min so none of drug comes back out on skin.

      I hope you find the advice of everyone on this forum as useful as I have andwish u best of luck with your treatment :-)


        I have so much itching because of allergies that when I was faced with which DMD to use I chose Avonex. The thought of an injection everyday that causes itching? No way. I hope you find a better treatment. Otherwise there are steroid creams.


          I itch constantly even tho I stopped all shots. My nuero told me it was a ms thing. I take benedryl when I can't handle it anymore.


            My Copaxone Experience

            I don't have too much wisdom, I've only been on Copaxone for about a month now. But here's what I've got, and maybe it will help you.

            1. Press as delicately as you can with the cotton ball after you inject. Strangely, pressing "firmly" caused me DAYS of terrible itching! This little change has completely changed my experience with Copaxone for the better!!

            2. If possible, just don't touch the injection site for as long as you can afterwards.

            3. Wherever you can, inject deeper. I was afraid that it would hurt even more, but Shared Solutions told me that this would cause less pain/side effects - because the closer to the skin it is, the more nerve endings there are.

            4. If there's an injection location that gives you more terrible side effects than the others, just avoid it altogether. I've tried nearly every trick Shared Solutions offered, but the side effects are 3 times worse on my stomach and give me a week of itching and burning pain (so basically that makes it constant!). They are quite upset about my choice, but honestly I'd rather be lumpy than *more* miserable!

            5. Using heat on the injection site 5 minutes before, and ice 5 minutes after, is supposed to help... but I haven't needed to do this.

            I truly hope this helps someone. We're all miserable enough as it is. God bless!


              Less itching these days. More just aching, like I've been kicked by a small horse wherever I injected myself. It lasts in every spot for at least a week.
              Itching I dealt with with antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream.
              This aching is taking the "fun" right of it. I have tried the old whack, whack, whack, bang trick, but while that helps with the stinging, it's not helping with the rest. I may be banging myself too hard, but I don't think so.

              Oh, and my doctor told me itching may not be a reaction to the drug, but a flare in itself. That cheered me up no end.


                I found that all that itching was reduced a lot after a few weeks but didnt fully go away. I dont ice before, and I jump into the shower a minute or two afterwards to run warm (not hot) water on the injection site. It really seems to help and rinses off any leaking drops. Those seem to make it exponentially worse! I never use arms or legs as there is not enough fat there to do it comfortably (and I am not a skinny minnie).

                Good luck and I hear manual is the way to go although I never had the guts to try.

