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    Originally posted by alishape View Post
    This happens to me quite frequently as well. The worst part about it, for me at least, is that when I get overloaded it works like a positive feedback loop. If I jump for no reason when someone comes in a doorway, I start feeling anxious which makes the whole situation worse. It sometimes gets to the point where buzzy flouresent light bulbs can drive batty.

    I am still working, but I think this will be the thing that sends me to an early retirement. At least I thought so up until I told my neuro, who recommended clonazepam. This is what I call my chill pill. I take it when I just cannot take it any more, or I know I am going to put in a situation where my anxiety will be hieghtened. You know like a busy place with lots of moving parts or a new environment. It's like someone said, normal emotional responses are exagerrated so you mostly can tell in advance when you might need one.

    I have never been the type of person who believed in better living through chemistry, but since my dx all bets are off. I would rather take a pill than lose my job or become a hermit.

    Amen Sister. I love Clonazepam. It also helps with MS HUG pain. And I have very good luck with Xanax too. In my MS journey I've learned to try different meds or supplements and not be judgemental about what others try. We need relief!!

    The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


      I am so relieved that I am not going crazy, and that this seems to be an MS related thing. In the past few months, I have developed "sensory overload" and its been driving me crazy!

      Mine's really hits me when I am subject to a multiude of conversations or sounds happening at the same time. A few weeks ago, I was shopping with my friend and my two year old and I had a "moment" and I melted down in the middle of the department store. I felt so embarrased! Im just glad I had a friend who was able to talk me down and get me to relax enough to function like a halfway normal person.

      Since there are many situations at my job in wich I cannot run around with earplugs in, does anyone else have any advice on ways to calm my nerves?


        Calming nerves (emotionally speaking)

        I don't know what would help with calming nerves allowing people to continue with normal life. I have not been able to work for the past 2 months because we own a very busy restaurant, and I cannot escape the noise while performing my job.

        There's the noise from the open kitchen with all the plates being banged around, pots & pans being banged around, breaking glasses, and not to mention the non-stop, drive-me-crazy, make-me-jump, never-ending 20 tables of conversation going on in a dining room with the WORST acoustics ever (glass windows floor to ceiling and concrete floors, and brick walls). Ayah! I just stay at home in my quiet little living room, with the TV on really low volume, getting bored to tears, while I let DH handle both fulltime jobs at the restaurant.

        I hope I get a dx soon and can get some type of proper treatment that will help. I hope you find something too. Ask your neuro.
        20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


          Yes to sensory overload. Noises in particular, but also lights, smells and touch as well.

          The hum of conversation in a bar makes me want to peel my skin off. That's the only way I can think to describe it.

          Lights flashing, or strobing, etc. make me dizzy and off-balance.

          Some nights I have trouble sleeping because the sheets rub against me, or there are wrinkles in the sheets and I have to straighten them. Or hubby and I are holding hands and he starts rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand. I hate when I pull away, because I don't want him to feel bad (ly?).

          You are obviously not alone.


            Pseudobulbar Affect

            I have actually been diagnosed with pseudobulbar affect which is about damage to a certain part of the brain that actually leads to emotional liability that one could describe as sensory overload.

            There is a medication called Nuedexta for it. I don't take it as I am currently uninsured but try instead to manage anxiety and that overwhelmed feeling by good planning, plenty of rest and being around positive people.

            I have a goal for the new year to do more meditating and yoga as I hear that helps many people. I hope you all hang in there through the rest of this potentially overwhelming season!


              I always attributed this to panic attacks and social anxiety issues. I never thought of it possibly being linked to the MS.


                Anxiety and MS can be linked:



                  To HellsBells & anyone else on Vancouver Island

                  Just sending a shout out here to HellsBell, whom I know lives on Vancouver Island in BC (Canada) and to anyone else that might. We all know what a hell it is to get a gp if you're new to the area, or if you're stuck with the wrong fit as I am. The MS support group (at least in my neck of the woods), is kinda sporadic so I've not been able to attend yet.

                  Would any of you be interested in exchanging contact info so we could talk about maybe getting together now and then just to chat, vent if needed and in general provide moral support for each? You know, hermits unite and maybe get out our own four walls now and then with others who understand exactly what we are going through?

                  If so, we could connect through the Canadian MS Society Discussion Forum via private messages. You'd have to Google it as we are not allowed to post links in our posts here. I'm already a member there and go by the same username - Wordsgood.

                  One last thing. When I have to do a major shop, I try really hard to make sure someone, anyone, is with me so that if make it as far as the till but then start to lose complete control, I throw the money at them and have them meet me outside, or at the car.

                  A family member, friend, trusted neighbour, older kids that you can trust, any one of these folks can be life savers when your trapped in a mall and a panic attack hits.

                  If I don't make it as far as the till and I feel one coming on, I find the nearest staffer and ask where I can park my cart full of stuff for a while and just say I'm suddenly feeling a bit ill and need some air. I've always been accommodated and my card was still where I left it waiting for me to finish my shop. Hope that helps some of you.

                  p.s. Spell check is not working at the moment, so please excuse any typos.


                    To Wordsgood - Hellsbells1 is going to MS Soc. Canada

                    Hi Wordsgood,

                    I am going right now to sign up onto MS Society of Canada, and will look you up and exchange contact information via private messages.

                    I just had a call from my DH 5 minutes ago where he told me he just talked to his dentist (who is the landlord for the best GP in my town) and he is going to talk to him and ask him to take me and DH as patients as a favour, even though doc is not accepting new patients. The dentist uses him as his own GP, and says he is excellent, and RateMDs also says he is #1 rated in town, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will find a new GP (instead of the psychopath lazy one I currently see).

                    Talk to you soon.
                    20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


                      Wordsgood - Can't find "Join"

                      Hi again,

                      I found the MS Society of Canada's website, but can't find any on-line community to join or anywhere that has a log-in area, or set up an account.

                      We'll figure out another way to connect soon.

                      20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


                        Originally posted by cosake View Post
                        Yes, I realize that now. My anxiety problems did not start getting bad until after I developed MS. This was before I was diagnosed, so I know it was not the IDEA of having MS that was causing me problems.


                          Wordsgood - find me on FB

                          Hi ... again....

                          I know you said you use your husband's facebook sometimes, so maybe you can find me on FB as

                          Just send me a message and let me know that it is you, and give me your email address, and I will then private message you back to your DH's FB with my email address.

                          At least I know that I don't have to accept anything I don't want on my FB account.

                          Anyone else on Vancouver Island that wishes to find me on FB can do so if you also want to be in touch by email regarding MS related stuff and support.

                          Question for moderator: Is there no private message function within the MSWorld Message Boards?

                          **MODERATOR NOTE: There are no private message functions on the MSWorld message boards, only the moderator has that function. You may exchange email, FB, URL addresses etc via your personal info page by posting your info there.**

                          12. SOCIAL NETWORKING: Personal websites can be placed in your profile for friends to find. MSWorld takes no responsibility for your web page or those who visit it. (Please refer to Guideline #2 for directions on creating/editing your Member Profile.
                          20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


                            OK, I understand that the moderator removed my full name so you could find me on FB. I'll try to update my FB contact on my profile and you can find me there.

                            20+ years of sx - no dx yet - getting close!


                              @ TTowle - Yes. I know what you mean - thinking about having MS does not stress me out or cause me anxiety. But I still have symptoms of anxiety that have gotten worse in the last few years since my diagnosis - so I think it is probably MS-related.

                              It's interesting that the times I "feel" most stressed, I don't have any anxiety problems. It's when I'm going along with nothing stressful happening that anxiety type symptoms seem to be worse. Go figure !



                                Who doesn't AND Holidays are among the worst times. Noise, lights, expectations, lists, plans, etc.

                                I don't know if it's (in my case), MS. I just don't seem to enjoy keeping numerous things in my head or having deadlines.

                                My dh always thinks I'm angry, but I'm not. I just find I can't juggle many things like I once did.

                                I guess one of the answers is to learn to do one thing as best you can and if successful you might move to something else in addition. I don't pressure myself to bake, or if I do, I bake one thing. I have simple, yummy treats that don't take up one's entire day and don't make you tired.

                                It might seem self serving, but we all should learn when to put ourselves first.

                                You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.

