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EEG Test

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    EEG Test

    Hello. My neuro has ordered a EEG test on me on Thursday. Does anyone know what this is? What are they looking for? This comes in response to 5 "episodes" (what the doc calls them) in one night, 4 the next night. The episodes are in the middle of the night, while I am in bed asleep, a twitch in my neck and I am in it. They only last 20-30 seconds, but during it I can only lay on stomach and hold on to the headboard for dear life. After I can smell my sweat (I stink!) and my arms and hands are tingling like theyare been thru a workout. Thr doc upped my Baclofen to 30 mg at bedtime (10 mg at 8am & 3PM as well). The meds seem to help somewhat, but as soon as it gets dark, fatigue sets in... my face (left side) and neck tingles, I am tired, my right leg doesn't work well. Am not looking foward to this EEG, but I hope this will stop the episodes at night and I won't be afraid to go to sleep.
    I used to be in control of my body. Now the body is in control of me!
    DX RRMS 1997 SX 1995 or earlier
    Breast Cancer 2002 thought the chemo put me into remission. Boy was I wrong!
    DMD Avonex 5/11, Baclofen 60mg 10/2012, Tecfidera 6/19/13


    That's an electroencephalogram that records electrical activity of the brain. Google EEG and go webmd for a reasonable discussion of what it's used for. Hope this helps Dale
    Dale in NC, dx'ed 2000, now SPMS


      Sorry for what you are going through. I know it is hard not knowing what is going on.

      EEGs are painless! They place electrodes on your head. You just lay there and are quiet. One part they will flash lights for you to follow, and make you breath fast though your mouth for awhile..otherwise nothing much to it.

      They are testing probably for any kind of abnormal activity or seizures. Sometimes it is not conclusive for seizures.
      Just make sure you have a comb (if they do not give you one) to get out most of the "glue" they use to keep these electrodes in place. You may want to wear a hat on way home. You can shampoo out the rest of this light glue-like material.

      I have had several..a couple abnormal ones, but epilepsy was ruled out, but I have "slow waves"..whatever that is, not sure. Seizures or abnormal EEG can be related to MS. Good luck in figuring out what these "episodes" may be.

      Keep us informed. I will be thinking of you.

      Warmly, Jan
      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10

