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MS Sx that just won't quit.

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    MS Sx that just won't quit.

    Doesn't this ever quit?! According to my recent MRI I am not in relapse, but i am struggling with severe cog fog, fatigue, the hug, urinary issues, and insomnia. And to top it off, my whole face has been numb for like 2 days straight. I am taking so many pills to deal with all these symptoms that only really work halfway, and I have to keep jabbing myself every day because I can't switch to Tysabri like I was considering. I don't know if this crappy circumstances are making me depressed or if it is just another MS symptom, but I am really getting down.

    I am 30, work full time, and attend school full time. I am also a full-time (father is 100% out of the picture, so no weekends off or anything like that) single mother to an 8 year old boy. I feel like I would love to date, go out with friends, live life... but how can I when at the end of my to do list I am literally slumped over on the couch counting down the minutes til bed time. People don't understand how hard it is to get through every day, and I'm tired of asinine suggestions like "If you just push yourself and work out every day you would feel 100% again" or "visualize yourself in a happier place". Barf.

    Rant over. Thank you for being here. It is hard to get by without unloading once in a while. Life is hard sometimes and MS makes it even harder. I am normally pretty good at putting my chin up and just getting on with things but not so much these days.

    Have you thought of moving home to live with your parents so that you can get assistance with your son and some much needed rest?

    Do your parents or other family members live nearby so that they can help you with your son or other things that need to be done?


      Well you sure do have alot on your plate. Hope you have some family or friends that can help once in awhile. All my kids are grown and I don't work it's just hard enough dealing with me,my dh and 3 dogs on a day to day basis.

      People keep telling me this is your new normal. once I get used to it it will get better. HA! I walk (or try to) my dogs 3to 4 times a day and do get some excercise. I spend 2 to 3 ok weeks then boom I'm down for who knows how long.

      I don't like the new normal and will never get used to it. But I gues we have no choice. So try to get some time for yourself and take one day at a time.

      Good luck!!
      REBIF 1 YEAR


        Some symptoms do not remit and will continue to be there to annoy you everyday. I hate them myself and I hate them for you. The best we can do is work around them.

        You have to seek out different specialties for the symptoms you are having because there is help for these symptoms.

        Cog-fog: Speech language pathology can give you tips on how to improve your thinking and memory

        Urinary: See a urologist. They can try drugs or urinary catheters or pads depending on your issue to help out.

        Extreme fatigue: See your neurologist. They can prescribe Provigil or Ritalin.

        Sleeplessness: See your primary care doc. They can prescribe sleeping meds or anti-depressants to help you sleep.

        Don't just live with these symptoms. Get help for them. You will find that your life is a lot easier.

        Take care
        Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
        SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


          Wow, reading back over this I think I sound super depressed. I am feeling much better now after having basically emailed my neuro and unloaded all that on him. He jumped into action with referrals and different meds for a few things. I also finished the semester (with all As, no less so I can REST!! It is amazing how hysterical I start to feel when I am overloaded. I will really have to be careful about that from now on.

          suziq- I do live with my mom. I could never keep this pace up without her.

          merc- yes- that "new normal" is one of those silly comments that just slays me!

          22cyclist- thank you for the advice about specialists and getting help for the various Sx. My neuro had the same advice. He gave me referrals so I could go right to the source without trying to deal with these things through my PCP. The PCP is great, but no urologist.

          Neuro also gave me amantadine, which is similar to provigil, I think. Miracle drug. I feel silly for not explicitly and openly asking him for help sooner. I am on the up and up and looking forward to a 10 day work/school vacation. I plan on resting and playing and that is all!


            I'm so sorry but your feelings are normal. I'm 32, have 3 kids and a supportive husband yet I feel the same overwhelming feelings at times. I know that MS does cause depresion because of the way it attacks your brain so don't be to hard on yourself when you feel this way.

