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    I am newly diagnosed and in fact just had my first shot of Copaxone tonight.

    I have a question about fatigue. For those of you who expierence fatigue, is it preditable or random or both. Do you have triggers?

    The reason Im asking is this past week, Monday, I was utterly exhausted throughout the day really and after working 8 hours (as usual), I felt as if my arms, legs and head were soooo heavy. I just wanted to lay down, not sleepy really just tired. I felt a little better on Tuesday and on Wednesday I was back to usual.

    I guess I just want opinions if this is MS related.

    Yep I have this alot. There is no way to know when it is going to happen. I can have energy and be full of life one minute and the next dead tired.

    My friend at support group compairs it to starting each day with a pocket of change and when the change is gone its gone and you cannot get anymore. That is just like the energy you start each day with so much and if you burn it up at 10 am then you are done for the day.

    It really sucks as I work fulltime and have 3 small children.



      My only answer is probably both. I know that isn't what you want to hear. I can be exhausted to the point of tears one day and a new person the next.

      Or I can be feeling fine and then it hits me like a train.

      Early mornings are usually great. Then my day takes over and I try to make it through. Evenings, I get a kick of energy again.

      If I am stressed, its worse. Emotions- good or bad- ramp up all my symptoms.

      Excessive noise, confusion, lights... same thing. Which explains why teaching primary kids is extra exhausting!

      I have tried several medications. Currently trying Ritalin. I drink lots of tea, coffee, and hot cocoa. But those seem to just keep part of me going. My body will sometimes keep going, even though I am trembling, but my mind is very fatigued.

      You read it everywhere... fatigue is one of the most underappreciated and misunderstood symptoms of MS.

      I am so thankful that I am still mobile and working. I feel sometimes like I am complaining and I shouldn't be.

      Take care.


        Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the comments and helps that Im not alone. As a newly dx'd Im afraid I wont know what is MS and what is not and let something go that can be serious you know? Like when I was sooo tired, my husband asked if I wanted to go to the ER and I said no, lets just see how it goes and I did feel better the next day and the next.

        I also feel as the person above me said --- I feel bad complaining because I am mobile and I work full time....and Im very greatful for that.

        Im also afraid that I will end up using MS as an excuse, if that makes any sense.

        I guess the bottom line is recognizing when you need to rest and when you feel good take advantage of that!

