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    Hi wanted to update on me. So after mri's snd an mra with no diagnosis if ms, then they thought I had third nerve palsy but that test was negative. They sent me for more blood work including Ana tests. Nuero opthalmologist started me on 60 mg of prednisone for 30 days. They still don't know what is wrong with me but blood work shows inflammation somewhere in my body. He said they are not ruling out ms but akso looking at lupus or another auto immune disease

    This prednisone they have be on is driving me crazy. I didn't sleep last night. I have to try to take them before it gets to late or I can't sleep. I am also eating like crazy. I go back to nuero opthamologist on we'd and and don't want to stay on these pills.


      Hi acaverly

      yes, those are common side effects of steroids..try to take it first thing in the morning..and yes it causes that 'empty stomach' feeling also..
      Hang in there, it does also make you feel better and stronger for a while..maybe your Doctor will lower the dose.
      Take care!
      Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


        Thanks and I am hoping he will start to lower the dose. There have been no changes in my symptoms sine I have been on it either. So whatever he was hoping it would do isnt working. I am back to having tingling in my hands and legs again too. Eye muscles are the same, I just wish they could diagnose me with something. I suspect they will want to do blood work again to see if there is any change in ana levels and other blood work they did.


          I went shopping with my daughters today but just felt so tired out after one store. I felt like I was going to collapse by the time I got back to the car. I really wish these doctors could figure out what is wrong with me.


            I know that taking yet another pill
            doesn't always seem appealing, but I always have a bottle of Ambien around. I take one once I hit day 3 of little to no sleep.


              I have never taken that before. Heck I really never took any pills until they put me on this stupid prednisone. Well except for b12 and vitamin d for the past year . I seem to be having some symptoms again that I have not had for a few months like hand and fingers tingling and feeling numb again, also weak legs and balance problems. I go back to nuero opthamologist in a couple days.

