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need help with ? re cognative issues

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    need help with ? re cognative issues

    been dx since 2000. off any RX since 2008 dh lost employment During the last yr especially last 4=5 months lots and I do mean lots of issues with lost of time and date, spelling, remembering correct words, making a word out of two, answering backwards, can't think of correct word on and on and on and on truly. Can't remember an ENTIRE phone number must divide into prefix and last 4. Help as I do arcade and puzzles most every day to make my (what little there is left)brain work.

    suggestions anyone peanut butter on face standing on head would be accepted at this point. Thanks to all that respond.

    Speak to your neurologist about a neuropsychiatric evaluation. This will determine the amount of deficit you have and will also detect the amount of help you need for rehab.

    It can also set you up for disability. These problems are very common in MS. The testing is long. Mine took two days, all day long. It was worth it though, as the neuropsych doc was able to explain why I was the way I am to my doctor husband who was clueless as to why I couldn't remember crap, and I kept putting things in wrong places, and leaving the stove on...and so on.

    Now, I have an action plan. We have clear roles in the home. It is helpful. Some exercises help, some do not but this is MS. What can you do. In the end it was good to know what was going on. The adaptive measures were the most helpful.

    Good luck.

    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      Have you seen this post from ECTRIMS?

      If you're able to exercise, it can help - it does for me. Even before I was diagnosed, I noticed I seemed "smarter" when I exercised. He also talks about meds.

