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Burning Toes

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    Burning Toes

    My toes burn off and on. Sometimes they tingle like they have been asleep.

    Any ideas? I am guessing that I am experiencing some kind of lack of blood flow or whatcha callit? (I am also exeperiencing loss of words or wrong words)

    I am finally seeing my neuro again after over a year and finally getting insurance again. But, not sure the feet issue is related to MS.

    Just wondered if anyone had ideas.

    Thanks for reading and any ideas.


    Hey, I also have that feeling in my toes, but it extends up my leg and all the way to the top of my calf. I am not sure what it is caused by, but there are several posts on this. I have never known if this was caused by my fibromyalgia or ms as I have both. I would definitely bring it up to him/her when you go to your appointment. Nothing I have done has helped so far so I just deal with it.
    RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


      My toes are kind of numb, but they go blue in the cold, then red and itchy. Chilblains, I suppose.
      Tingly toes is nothing unusual if it's MS.


        The tops of my feet up to mid calf burn...there are meds to help with sensory symptoms. Either anti-convulsants like Neurontin and Tegretol, or anti-depressants like Elavil, Cymbalta. Also Lyrica is for neuropathic pain, and I'm not sure if it falls under either of those class of meds.


          Most of my skin does the paresthesia 'tingle' all the time, but sometimes my feet feel almost exactly like I've just come inside after getting nearly frostbitten toes (something I remember from my Boy Scout days). It's a weird combination of burning and freezing.

          I know it's from MS because I've had my wife feel my feet when it's happening and she confirmed they were a normal temperature (I don't trust my own temperature sense).
          1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
          NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


            I had HORRIBLE burning sensations in both feet for 5+ years. I compared it to toasting my feet in a campfire. I tried every kind of mediation the doctor offered and nothing helped.

            As a last ditch effort, I tried acupuncutre. I didn't have high hopes, but figured what did I have to lose. After just 1 acupuncture session, the burning was gone! Competely gone! I couldn't believe I'd suffered for more than 5 years and burning was gone in less that 60 minutes. Three months later, it still has not returned.

            I don't think acupuncture can fix everything, but it did stop the burning sensation for me!




              What a perfect way to describe it. I often asked my husband the same thing at first, but have since given up as they are always normal temperature. I do not trust my temperature either. What a strange thing this MS is!
              RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


                My feet often burn like I have really bad athletes foot. The area under my toes can get really painful. This sensation alternates with, or is joined by, the feeling that someone has just dropped a bowling ball on my toes. It's always worse on the left foot.

                I'm truing to remedy the issue with meds. At the moment I'm up to 1200mg gabapentin 3X/day and 50mg amitriptilyne 1X/day. The results have been marginal at best.

                At weddings, my Aunts would poke me in the ribs and cackle "You're next!". They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals. Dave Barry


                  Registered Member

                  I'm sorry you are having this trouble with your toes but I was glad to see I'm not crazy. I have been having trouble with the toes on my right foot. They burn and tingle. . .sometimes I can't stand how it feels. I try rubbing them but that doesnt do much good. I thought I was imagining this problem.


                    i get a burning sensation in the tip of my big toe sometimes too. doesn't bother me much. pretty sure its the MS. my feet get really cold too, but they are physically cold to the touch. the burning sensation is different though. right before i was diagnosed, i started having sensations on the front of my calves like they were really hot. it felt like i was sitting too close to the fireplace but when i touched my leg they felt normal temperature. at the time i had no idea what to think, it was very strange. i'm guessing that was also related to MS.
                    dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11


                      Originally posted by bluemanda View Post
                      My toes burn off and on. Sometimes they tingle like they have been asleep.

                      Any ideas? I am guessing that I am experiencing some kind of lack of blood flow or whatcha callit? (I am also exeperiencing loss of words or wrong words)

                      I am finally seeing my neuro again after over a year and finally getting insurance again. But, not sure the feet issue is related to MS.

                      Just wondered if anyone had ideas.

                      Thanks for reading and any ideas.

                      I have had burning feet the last few years and the sensation travels up my legs into my buttocks at times. It is called parathesia and it also includes tingling, numbness and pin-like pains. For me, Lyrica has truly worked wonders and i the best medication for neuropathic pain like we have. You might ask your Neuro to see if that would help. The downsize of Lyrica is that it causes weight gain and some blurred vision, but it is trade off considering how bad the burning can be.


                        Yeah, been their done that.. it didn't last long for me. I told my Dr. and he asked if it affected my quality of life.. I said no and moved on. I pretty much keep things to myself now if its not killing me.
                        limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.


                          I too have this! It feels like I have a tight sock on and the burning is only in the"sock" area. Before I was diagnosed with MS, I went to a foot doctor and he said that I had destroyed the nerves from wearing flip flops. I now know that this was one of my first signs of MS and not destroyed nerves

                          Putting ice packs on the tops of my feet brings some relief for me. So much fun all of this MS stuff isn't it??????? Now I know that I'm not alone.


                            Me Too I had burning feet for months, they felt like they were constantly too close to the fire Luckily it went away. So many weird sentations this MS can give you, its hard to keep up, my tongue has a new and strange sensation like Ive eaten something too hot and burnt it, hope that goes away soon.
                            2004 pos/MS 2006 Pos/MS also Pos/Crazy 14/01/2012 here we go againDx RRMS 21/06/2012


                              Originally posted by wally8 View Post
                              Me Too I had burning feet for months, they felt like they were constantly too close to the fire Luckily it went away. So many weird sentations this MS can give you, its hard to keep up, my tongue has a new and strange sensation like Ive eaten something too hot and burnt it, hope that goes away soon.
                              I have the tongue sensation too...but I only have symptoms on one side. Neuro says it's from the MS affecting cranial nerves. Weird isn't it. I've had it so long that it's almost like background noise, it's there, but my mind sort of shuts it out.

                              Effective med for me was .25 mg clonazepam (after 10 years at that dose I did have to up it to .5 mg.) All my tongue problems are like you drew a line down the middle and the gave the left side strange sensations and had it do quirky things. My tongue does really weird things now, as do other parts of my body. MS is such a crazy's almost like I could do "parlor tricks" for my friends by showing off the bizarre stuff my body does.

                              The good news for you is, lots of folks on the board have described similar problems, like tingling and the hot coffee feeling, and for them it usually hangs around for a bit then goes away. Tongue problems were my first symptoms, and it never went away, just got more bizarre as the years passed, so I've been dealing with it for a long time...but at first I thought it would drive me bonkers. If you put a toothpick in your mouth, or suck on something, you may be able to distract yourself from the feeling. Iced drinks may make it more pronounced, and make your tongue feel "thick" like novacaine wearing off. I've got other tricks to try but don't want to hijack this thread anymore than I have, because I really did sign on to talk about burning toes/feet and then saw your tongue reference.

                              Okay, about burning feet, as I said earlier, I'm trying Elavil and don't think I've reached a therapeutic dose yet because they still burn (I do the ice pack on the feet trick too.) Glad I work from home because I don't know how I'd wear shoes all day.

                              But I happened on a product called Neuragen gel (bought it off Amazon, lots of reviews from diabetics with neuropathy and mostly positive.) It's a little pricey, around 17 bucks for a tiny bottle, but it seems like it will last a long time. And it works, it definitely dulls the burn...not permanently but for hours (it works better than the lidocaine cream I was using.) Only be warned, it has a really odd smell, not unpleasant, but pungent. It's a homeopathic med (and I've never used any homeopathy meds before) but it works.

