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    Ok, I know I'm not one to ask questions. I just answer them. I've had MS for 25 years now and am fortunate - I'm fully mobile and not really impaired by our favorite sucky condition.

    But I do have a question. My legs are now heavy and I feel like maybe I won't be able to walk in the near future. Can anyone share their experience with losing their mobility? The numbness in my legs began in the late 1990's, and recently migrated above the knee in my left leg.

    I have a very heavy feeling in my legs. My fatigue has also sky-rocketed. This is not specifically alarming to me but I don't want to blame MS for something else that may be fixable.

    This is my worst fear. Blaming stuff on MS when it may be something else that is fixable.

    Any thoughts?

    "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
    - Voltaire

    Hi Tom
    sorry to hear your legs are heavy. Do you still get relapses? Just when I get a relapse (14+ yrs) my legs get like as if they are made of lead and my fatigue sky-rockets. Could it be that, or is it more a long-term thing that has set in for good?


      Hi Tom, sorry you are having some issues. I would first check with your GP. And see if there may be any other causes. There are many things that can help you. The key is to not jump to any conclusions.

      Have you tried physical therapy? That is something that may help with your legs.

      the fatigue can be caused by many different factors. If your vitamin levels are in the normal range, the doctor may prescribe something to help you. Good luck to you.
      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001




        I'd encourage you to get a referral to a physiatrist, and see what they think about a the heaviness you're feeling, and if it might be increased spasticity.

        What you're describing is how my legs got after many years.

        Are they stiff, and feel hard to lift off the ground? I slowly lost my range of motion, and it felt like I was lifting 100 lb weights, plus my foot woudln't lift more than a few inches off the floor.

        Anyhoo, if they think it might be spasticity, get them to let you do a baclofen pump trial (you get to test drive the med for a few hours and see if it helps, so you know right away if it might help or not.) I was amazed at what I was given back by the pump (and I had been on a high dose of oral baclofen.) I can lift my legs, and mostly the heaviness went away. I still have no stamina, can't walk that far distance wise, but I look really good when I'm walking it restored me a more natural looking gait.

        I thought my next move would be a wheelchair, but for me the pump kept me mobile, and much more comfortable, it just depends if what you're feeling is spasticity related or not.

        Here's a pubmed abstract of an article that basically said they believe they are waiting too late in the disease process to implant the pump. The entire article used to be posted online, but is no longer available...sorry.



          Hi Tom. I agree with the others, its always my tendency to jump to the worst outcome first. I did end up in wheel chair but this evolved over years not acutely. Checking with you health care provider makes a lot of sense. Dale
          Dale in NC, dx'ed 2000, now SPMS


            Hi Tom. First my congrats that you are doing relatively well after 25 yrs...That's no small feat. Second, I'm sorry you are noticing some issues.

            I started with a walker/scooter (outside) after 15 years. My mobility went drastically down after major flaare in '09. Before that changes were subtle between relapses. Most of my trouble was self-inflicted...smoking, bad diet, lack of exercise. At least you are anticipating although you should try to9 be more positive. See your doctors. Check out some of the naturalpath approaches if you haven't already. Stay calm in the face of disconcerting changes. Good luck
            Progressive Relapsing MS


              Heavy Legs

              My heavy legs began over 20 years ago when I was not diagnosed. I went back to normal for another 10 years and it started again and I was dxed. From there it was steadily downhill. I use a w/c out of the house and get around with 2 canes for most of the day in the house.

              With my neuro I would be evaluating my disease modifying options to make sure I am doing everything I could be doing to affect the course of my disease.

              I would also consider my non drug options for dealing with this disease.

