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what do you keep your meds in?

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    Interesting thread! Good discussion and humor!

    I keep my meds in my house in a small safe in my bedroom. I don't want anyone visiting my house to be able to access my prescription meds...such as Xanax. That also includes my children, babysitters or nannies and when they are older, My kids' friends. Sometimes it is a pain to get the meds out, but I like the security and safety.

    For traveling, we went overseas and I took the prescription label and put it on a small ziplock bag and put each of the meds in the appropriate little bag. This stacked better and more compact for carry on. I was stressed because I wasn't sure if I would have problems with TSA or overseas inspections, but all my meds sailed through...not one question.



      My morning/bedtime meds I keep on my dresser. My "during the day meds" (klonopin, pain killer, baclofen, anti-inflammatory) have a spot on my desk.
      Diagnosis: May, 2008
      Avonex, Copaxone, Tysabri starting 8/17/11

