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Can’t Wait till 2013, (very long vent)

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    Can’t Wait till 2013, (very long vent)

    Can’t Wait till ’13, (long vent)

    2012 has not been a good year for me so far, and it never seems to end.

    About 10 years ago, my wife had always wanted to live in Fla (again). We took equity out of our house up north and bought a fixer-upper place in Lakeland. No rush, plenty of time to do the work and hire help for the little things I could not do. I got it fixed up enough to make the move and ordered a truck. The night before the truck arrived, my wife changed her mind.

    So the plan changed, fix the Lakeland place up some more to sell it. One of my boys came down one summer to help, but he would not listen and got sick. Instead of getting it on the market I was taking him to ER because he refused my simple advice to keep hydrated. (Even adult kids think they know it all).

    Over the years I got ripped off again and again. The local cops were worthless. They knew the perps, even used the perps and harassed me. The locals up here had spread rumors down there I was somehow behind half a dozen dirty cop busts in as many months after buying the place down there. After they learned my it was false they back off some. I even ended up helping a detective on an unrelated case.

    My ability to work on the place even at a slow place declined as my MS got worse. One fall my wife called the furnace up here failed and I need to come back. I was barely able to walk so ready for a few days sitting driving.

    In 2006 I had fallen and tore my shoulder in one of those I’ve fallen and wondered if I could get up. That spring I got sick on the trip back I was even worse, again, and so was my diabetes. I called my wife to get me an apt with the doctor she had me set up with. I made it home, no Dr. apt and landed in ER that evening. After my BP stabilized it get lost your neuro issues were just diabetes related, aka same o, same o story again.

    Saw my eye doc as scheduled, he refused to see me since I was NOT seeing the doctor he wanted me to be under the care of, same one my wife had said she set up and had not. Did get into a new doc, set up with a shoulder surgeon and ENT. The ENT did a MRI and other tests, but ignored numerous classic Dawson’s fingers, eye muscle abnormals and brushed it off as a unknown CNS issue (no neuro referral) despite more falls and another fall needing surgery in under a year.

    In 2009 finally a new eye doc opened the MS can-o-worms and was Dx’d Jan 2010. Now I knew HEAT was an issue, so Florida was even more of a problem. I tried getting a real estate agent to sell the house, but nobody wanted to bother with anything under $100k. I tried everyone I knew in Fla, the only one that helped was a old Navy buddy, but that agent would not bother either.

    Last winter I got ripped off yet again. They tried to steal my lawn tractor but got it stuck and was damaged from sitting out in the rain. They stole my garden tiller, my garden trailer and utility trailer, as if stealing my cameras and electronics and more years before was not enough.

    Believe it not, the preceding was a very very abbreviated overview of preceding years.

    Now its 2012. My house, which was to be a stepping-stone to better things, is now a money pit. Taxes and insurance nearly triple, not to mention gas prices and I just cannot do much anymore. My wife’s income and health coverage down, but at least I have been on Medicare since 1985, but expenses thru the roof. Back in Jan my fam doc called, get your butt to ER your kidney #s are off. Then a week later I fall in the driveway and could not get up. SO meatwagon ride to ER. Xray crew from h311 says no broken bones just bruised muscles.

    2 Days later I am making brown instead of yeller/clear water and cannot get out of my la-z-boy even with son’s help, so 911 again. Better Xray crew and 5 broken ribs, low Ox and in acute kidney failure, so its morphine (pain candy works great), Ox and a few days on the Nurse Ratchet training ward.

    My MS doc sends me to VA kidney doc and their urology clinic. Kidney doc, oh we will worry about what is causing your kidney issues AFTER they fail and urology even worse. Despite knowing I had a distended bladder and voiding issues I could not get even the time of day. Two visits each, $50 a pop ($200 total) VA co-pay for worse than NOTHING. Few days after last VA urology clinic apt, I am in trouble, and my non-va urologist changed practice I could only get in to a NP.

    I see the urology NP, scan showed over 300ml PVR so its instant self-cath lesson (a wild embarrassing & scary experience that ended up my refusing to go to ER) and scheduled for bladder testing. I try and make a trip down to Fla before my mid Oct surgery, but my car strangely (sabotage 2 cars have problems at same time just past welcome station?) looses all its tyranny fluid half way down. I get it patched up and make it home barely.

    The cheapest repair I can get is a (not cheap) used/salvaged tyranny and what choice do I have. My limited budget is blown, I have to delay paying bills, even late making house payment here, just to keep our car on the road so I can get my wife to work and save that little income. I go to figure out bills for Oct. Fla light bill down, hooray? No, it seems my place has been ripped off yet again (called a neighbor about it). I cannot get down there for now to check on things even if I could afford it.

    Today it was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. I was having lunch and my stand by my la-z-boy had been moved (again/often) and my glass went to the floor instead. I NEVER move my stand and the cat or dog don’t either. My walker I use to help get out of my La-z-boy also gets moved often and not by me.

    I know all this seems silly but with my (R-better) leg pain, probably varicose veins again and new problem with my right shoulder (unknown recent issue) it’s just getting to be a heavy load at the moment. Oops, just got another bit of mail. A DMD info dinner invite, but its for the day I expect to be released from the hospital, and I have a kidney disease class (non-VA of course) scheduled the day before my upcoming surgery.

    Of course the VA is dragging its feet as usual. I gave up getting care while in the Navy, tried in the mid ‘80s, sent to shrinks (all in head U know) so gave up. 25 yrs later finally Dx’d by VA docs who both agree (plus outside docs) its service connected but SC case still pending. When I rains in my Gomer world, it’s a catagory-13.

    I am so LUCKY, my lucky number is 13, can 2013 come fast enough?

    Sorry it’s so long.

    Even Gomers needed to blow off steam and vent…

    Wow, Gomer, sounds like you really have had one hell of a time. Stress makes things worse so I can imagine how it all must be for you.

    Just give the Florida house away, sell it for $1, sign over the paperwork & walk away. You lose what you paid into it so far but you stop the loss of future money into it & the stress.
    Diagnosed: May 2012
    Medications: Avonex - stopped 12/14
    Plegridy - starting 12/14


      Icing on the cake

      Take this as it is meant please and that would be kindly.

      Your MS is just the 'icing on the cake'. If you read your long post over you will see that there are many issues. Don't lump them together, you'll just get sad and angry.

      Sounds to me like only one of the two of you (you, and not wife) were into the move. It is really unusual to have someone opt out at the last minute.

      I find anything I have to talk spouse into is usually going to be a problem. It's more than time for a sit down with your wife.

      I think it's often a good thing to rant and get it off your chest. When things are really bad you can write it out and re-read. Usually I tear up my letter. Sort of a therapy.

      No real advice on your other issues; seems like the details are only something you can make sense of.

      I wish you luck; hang in there.

      You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


        Oh Geez Gomer! You're always so full of positive encouragement for all of us, I'm so sorry that you've had to endure this long line of, well... torture. I don't know what to say to cheer you up, in fact I won't insult you by trying. Vent away, don't apologize either!

        I'm always shocked by your country's health care costs but with your service in the Navy one would think better treatment, especially for your life and death health issues, would be available without the "pass the buck" attitude. Oops, forgot about the DMD dinner... a bright spot... NOT!

        I wish I had a magic wand that would make this go away for you. I can say this with confidence from all of us here, you're a "Fan Favourite" Gomer and there's a whole bunch of us routing for you.

        For what it's worth, I can't wait for 2012 to turn into 2013 as well. 12's are not my number as I was dx on 12/12 (2005) at 12:00!! While in the middle of my neuro giving me the dx, my daughter called from home to tell me that the kitchen ceiling had literally caved in. Just want to get past 12/12/12 at 12:00. Thought this may make you smile, it's my pathetic attempt!

        Hang in there and none of your issues sound "silly", vent as you see fit. I can honestly say that you have cheered me up/eased my mind too many times to count.
        RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
        "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


          Gee Gomer, I saw your cat using your walker to carry away your table. I think you are putting blame on the wrong party .

          Just kidding of course. I am furious about the treatment, or mistreatment, you are getting at your VA. Not so for me - except for acute care things which would probably result in a sinus infection leading to septicemia due to the wait, my care has been outstanding. As a nurse, I know it is good and most is much better than treatment by private physicians.

          We can't help the real estate market or your vehicle demise, (I think) but we can all demand that our veterans be treated well, according to standards of care set by private physicians, because we all pay taxes for the VA to provide these services as they promised when they needed you. Actually, my grandchildren will probably be paying for the salaries of these providers, and they will also be getting nice fat lifetime pensions as well.

          Can we write letters to your Congressman, Senator, Armed Services Committee, etc. to complain? We won't mention that Gomer sent us, but those PUBLIC SERVANTS need to do their jobs or resign.

          We all live with people who just don't understand how even small things impact us, but we can't live without them either. I know that if you really needed her, your cat would not disappoint you or move your walker and table ever again.

          You have enough to deal with just with MS and diabetes and kidney failure and urinary retention.

          Can you rent your Florida home?

          Thanks for trusting us with your frustrations, we know we all need to complain more than most people are willing to listen.


            Oh gomer you poor thing! What a tumultuous time you have had!

            I think with the house in FL, if you can't get someone in renting it soon, just sell it off (as said above- even if its just for $1) you will still have to absorb some financial loss, but at least you wont have the ongoing rates/taxes/pain in your butt!

            Is there any way you can bolt your table to the floor so it can't be moved?

            I wish I had better advice for you. Or that I could just give you a big hug. You make such an impression on these boards, we are all lucky to read your tidbits of wisdom!

            I too am looking forward to the new year. So many people I know had such wonderful plans for 2012 (myself included) but this year seems to have brought nothing but anguish.I truly hope 2013 brings brighter days!


              Gomer, your are entitled...

              I am glad you trusted the forum to vent. I am sorry you are going through so many challenges...fired upon from all sides.

              You have the right to let the steam off. I hv been impressed with your comments in the past, always reminding people that change might be just around the corner if you can hang on long enough to get your "second wind." But when you are down for the count yourself, it is hard to remember all those words, right?

              You have bn dealt a lousy hand, Gomer, no doubt. But your history and your DNA proves you are a survivor...I am waiting for your next will get your pencil and paper will get your plan made...let us know how it goes. It is another battle, Gomer, but not the war. you may have to punt, but you are still in the game! You are right, 2013 will be different for you, I am sure. We all care. Keep us posted, Gomer, we are with you.



                The story of my life. I roll with the punches, have most of my life, but one can use a breather now and then.

                My PVA rep (former/worthless/lazy) sat on my claim for nearly 2 years. I had to file on my own w/o her on the internet just to get my claim started. I wrote both of my senators...Carl Levin (Armed Services Committee) instead of helping only sends me re-election propaganda. Senator Debbie Stabenow did respond and seems to be helping a little.

                After the cancer surgery in'82 we were homeless twice, both times with a baby in diapers. The second time, based on old VA records I got earlier this year, I had been given a C&P by one VA doc back in '85, but nothing ever came of it. I never followed up on it because I had no clue about C&P. Anyway upon getting SSDI we were able to buy the house here (Michigan) in '87 w/the back payment for the down payment.

                I have more wild/weird/range experience than most, that enables me to understand a wide range of issues, it even helps me some, but it always seems easier to help others. (just my opinion).

                I should have been able to sell it for a $20k+ gain, instead I will feel lucky if I only loose $40k with this economy. Not pocket change for someone on the lower side of median income. We both wanted to move. I wanted to away fro the local corruption, she wanted to live in Florida.

                My wife, typical stereotype woman, changes her mind, I just never know when it will happen. I THOUGHT (what I get for thinking) we were on the same page. She usually gets her way, when she wants something.

                Back in the mid 80s the doc I had then wanted me to get a glucometer, copay then was $50. (they are cheap/free today). She demanded that if I get a glucometer she HAD to have a police scanner radio (almost $200). When My doc asked me WHY I didn't yet have a glucometer I told him what my wife said, to his disbelief. He actually called her and was shocked. Needless I did eventually get the glucometer but he dumped me not long after that.

                My car is doing OK, it's only got a little over 266k miles on it. I try and drive my cars longer, IF I can. I almost got 300k miles before it became road-kill. I was doing 65 when hit from behind on I-75 about 40 miles north of Chattanooga. I was hit so hard it buckled the green-house (passenger section) and could not open the hood even. Long story but the Tenn Feds became involved & wanted/got the other driver arrested.

                Sometimes too many things going on, from far too many directions all at once and little if any control over them. For me it's the lack of CONTROL over the things that hit hardest.

                BTW... thanks for all the encouraging words.......

                Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

