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Help! Electric Shocks!

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    Help! Electric Shocks!

    Has anyone ever experienced electric shocks through their body and in their hands and arms? This does not happen when I put my neck down--the classic L'hermitts, but just in my hands and abdomen. Sometimes the shock is so strong it moves my finger, hands or arms. It's so uncomfortable!

    I have experienced the Zaps/shocks off and on for over 50 years! Mine have always been the reverse L'hermitties, neck up (instead of down) to my head, back r-side & on to top. When I was 14 I would get them every time I wiped my butt. At least I was sitting down..ha ha.

    Most of them were more annoyance (& uncomfortable) than anything... but my worst one was back in 2009. I had a supper nasty and longer much longer lasting shock. About 15-20 minutes later I had a hard time walking even with my walker for a couple days. That one had affected my nerves in my toes/foot.

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


      I have had them. My neurologist told me that the ones like Gomer is describing are associated with a new lesion forming, or an old lesion lighting up.

      They are frightening, and often make sleep unbearable. I get them sometimes in my eyes too. My whole eyeball lights up like a christmas tree and it feels like my eye is going to pop out the zap is so strong.

      Just think of a wire shorting out. That's what it is (at least that what my neuro explained to me) when I described it.
      Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
      SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


        Shocking eels

        Yes I have them too mostly in my legs and arms.
        I call them my moray eels, (electric eels).
        Wasn't going to write anything here, but just as I was about to move on I got attacked, really rotten shock this time, about 10 mins. Darn eels!!!
        Now have to hobble off to make some dinner, hope dh is not too hungry, going to be some time before he eats.



          yes. Ive had them for years in various places all over body...including eyes. Now Im concerned about the feeling ofblood running in face. (feels like something crawling) Must be a bad sign. What's happening? Can anything be done?
          Progressive Relapsing MS


            I have them throughout the day every day, in every part of my body. It's been several years. I mean every part, even lady parts O_O. Sometimes they are just uncomfortable, and sometimes my entire body jerks in response and I screech a little bit. Sometimes its one and sometimes its a series:/ I have found that they are mostly in my extremities and more rarely in the core of my body.
            I've been put on gabapentin and cymbalta, neither worked. I've tried lots of OTC and opiate based pain meds and none work. I'm not on any MS specific meds, but hoping my visit to my new Neuro will help with that. It hurts and is a severe inconvenience every day:/

