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Shout Outs

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    Shout Outs

    Um.. I thought rather than make a post and since we don't have private messaging, it would be nice to have a shout out thread... if everyone behaves.

    Thinkimjob: I love your stories and your wit. I'm happy things seem to be going better for you.

    Redwings: I suspect we know a brilliant doctor with MS at Doheneyin common.

    I may have missed something here, Is Redwings a doc. with ms?
    I am always amazed with all his knowledge. I research and research but never come up with as much information.


    Sorry u have to be here, but thanks for all the help!!!!!


      Well, thank you BigA! You've always been positive, which is a tremendous help to people like me, who tend to see the glass as definitely less than half full.


        Shout Out

        My shout out goes to Gomer and Journeyman, they have no idea how many times they have lifted me from my pity pit and dark places.
        They have revealed their darl places and have more courage than I have to say" dark happenings" out loud.

        So many thanks to you both for the Gomer and Journeyman show, I don't know where I would be without my weekly/ daily fix

        My heartful thanks guys

        Hugs Min


          I'm honored.

          I was worried about sharing my dark happenings but the social media does offer some anonymity and if it helps someone else then great.

          Thanks for the shout out. You should see Gomer and me at a lunch together once a year. It is quite the site and to hear is even more. We both love to talk. It is awesome.

          We love everybody in these forums. All of you so often share tidbits that make our lives easier and will never realize how much much you have life or made it more tolerable in the past four years. Thanks Min.


            Ditto! The knowledge here is almost unparalleled, as well as the compassion and humour.

            If I can add one, 22Cyclist has been posting some extremely informative stuff like what our blood tests mean and what those "sobriety tests" at our neuro appts mean (walking on tiptoes, touching our noses, etc.).

            Mercadies25, Redwings is a lady with a background in Visual Science, not sure if she's a doc but thank goodness we have her insight here.

            RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
            "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


              awe shucks...THANKS min (or should it be max?)

              Ya gonna make a grown(??) man blush.

              We both tend to be a bit verbose, no matter if its in print/type or decibels/SPL. (sound pressure level).& Putting us together in a restaurant or similar setting can be like mixing nitroglycerin and gun powder.

              Our first meeting
              ; We had lunch & talked & talked. Then we decided to have desert. Coconut cream pie sure sounded good to me, so we talked (& ate) some more. After hogging our portion of Ox and CCs we finished our meal, I hit the head/john before hitting the road back to Lakeland about 30 miles away. Well, before I could even get out of Tampa proper I had to hit the head yet again and quick. I pulled into a Wendy's and drained my lizard big time, even tho I just did that before leaving the sea food establishment.

              Ya see, I had bolused for the meal when I finished that, but with all our jaw jacking I forgot to take another shot of insulin for the Coconut Pie I had afterward! ya, I furgot to tell ya,& I am a needle junkie diabetic, & been shootin insulin for decades.

              BTW Gomer especially appreciates minivanmama (my limbo angel when I needed one & my inspiration), such helpfull info from the likes of 22Cyclist, rdmc & redwings (& others lost in my cogfog)

              Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                Abe Munder the Wheeled Wonder has helped raise a record amount via Skydiving for MS for the MS Society. I will be there next year but not sure about jumping out of a plane. Since I have to behave , I will shut up now.


                  Gomer - I enjoy your posts if that word fits - you seem a person with a big heart who has been through a lot, but willing to share with everyone. When I was new here, you were a solid person I could depend on. Your stories are sometimes poignant and painful but never bleak or full of self-pity. Thanks for all your leadership.

