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    I am so tired ALL the time! And I am really getting frustrated. I get up in the morning, after sleeping ok all night, but I certainly don't feel like it. I put my daughter on the bus and I could crawl right back into bed and go back to sleep.

    I try to explain to my people, it's not just "tired" I feel like my body is just EXHAUSTED, if I sit down it's hard to get up. Ya, I'll try my HARDEST to keep myself busy but I find myself giving in more and more.

    My neuro had me try Adderall, the 10mg didn't do much so he increased it to 20mg and that gave me awful headaches. Now he has me on Ridilin (spelling?) I think today was my last time taking does NOTHING for me.

    I just don't know what to do. With a six-year-old, it gets hard when it comes time to make supper, homework time and just "being a Mom!" I get so sad...


    I'm sorry you're dealing with fatigue. It can be very debilitating.

    If the prescription meds aren't working, you might want to look into trying acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. These anti-oxidant supplements have helped a lot of people here with fatigue, including me.

    The recommended dosages of these supplements are 1,000 to 2,000 mg of acetyl L-carnitine and 200 to 400 mg of alpha lipoic acid. (I'm taking the lower doses.) I also take them with a multi-B vitamin supplement and a 10,000 IU Vit. D3 supplement (but my D levels were low, so check with your doctor before taking that large of a dose.)

    If you want to try these supplements, be sure to check with your doctor first, especially if you are taking any medications for diabetes or thyroid problems, as the supplements can actually increase the effectiveness of these meds, which might result in a dosage adjustment being needed.

    Also, you need to take them every morning, preferably on an empty stomach (though I can't take the ALC without food as it causes me to have bad heartburn.) And it can sometimes take up to a month to feel the full effects of the supplements, so if at first you don't see any improvement, don't give up.

    Good luck and I hope you get some relief soon.


    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!



      Hi Debbie, Sorry you are tired all the time, I also have some bad problems with this. This is probably going to sound really dumb to you but it worked some for me. I have spasticity from head to toe and I was not treating it right because most meds make me sick and baclofen is one of them so I was constantly fighting the stiffness and pain which made me so tired I could not do anything. I started taking small amounts of valium all day long and it really helped. I know that is opposite of most people but fighting the pain was making my fatigue worse. I hope you find some relief.


        Thank you for caring!!

        First, thank you so much for caring!! And thank you for the suggestions. Although I was diagnosed last June, to be honest, sometimes I feel like I know nothing about MS. All the different things it can bring on.

        Tortis, your respond really got me thinking because I have been dealing alot more pain recently (I'd say in the past four months) more in my legs and intoo my lower back. And you are so right...dealing with the apin almost makes me that more tired. I think I'll talk to my dr. about the vallium.

        Again, THANK YOU guys for the help!! And I'm really glad that you have found some relief in this battle that we fight EVERY DAY!! XOXO


          Fatigue was finally what put me on SSDI. It started late 2009 and got so bad by mid 2010 I went out on STD...thinking after a few weeks of rest, I'd be okay. I was never able to return to work - it was devastating to me. Not like I could 'afford' not to work...but I literally had no choice. I was barely able to take care of myself throughout the day and I also have a daughter...not as young as yours...but still in need of driving to school, etc. It has been a very difficult time. But after I was able to 'adjust' and sleep during the day when my bf was at work and my daughter was at school - I'd be able to at least have some energy to be up with them when they were home.

          The hardest thing is that most people don't understand it's not 'normal' tired. I used to be healthy and I remember what normal tired was like...even when I was at my most exhausted...I good night's rest took care of it. This is NOT like's like it never goes away no matter what you do. So you constantly have to fight against it for every little thing you do...even the simplest of tasks become difficult and a challenge.

          I tried the supplements mentioned above but they didn't work for me. Prior to going on STD, I had already been on two different anti-fatigue meds...which stopped working when it became really bad. I also have pain that I fight against...and that can be very exhausting. But I have pain meds to help and they really do! But I did notice a positive change when I started taking 4000iu's of Vit D each morning plus a multi-vitamin. I still require a TON of sleep and rest...and it didn't work miracles but it HAS helped enough to keep taking it. Any little bit of energy and strength or stamina I can add is worth it!

          I wish you the best - this is a hard journey but you aren't alone. =) (((hugs)))

