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symptom or your imagination?

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    symptom or your imagination?

    Am I the only one who sits there and thinks--is this an MS symptom or am I just crazy?

    A couple days ago I woke up and I just felt funny. The only way I've come up with for describing it is that it's as if walking was taking more concentration then normal, instead of "walk to the bathroom" my brain was saying "take one step" but even with other things, its like it takes more effort then it normally should or like my muscles feel like they might just give out. Things that up to this point I haven't had to actively think about doing, I'm having to focus on exactly where my foot is landing, or where my hand is. I keep asking myself, am I crazy or am I really feeling this.

    Of course then I sound a little silly trying to describe it but I'm sure you all know what its like...

    I was initially diagnosed because of tingling and i remember sometimes having a hard time telling if it was still there--I think because I got so used to always feeling it. But even then I used to think--am I crazy? is it still tingling?

    me too

    Some days are like that for me. But not quite as bad. I have to really concentrate on the next thing I need to do... pull up the sheet straighten it out pull up the comforter make it even....
    Another pirated saying:
    Half of life is if.
    When today is bad, tomorrow is generally a better day.
    Dogs Rule!


      The first few years, I felt this way all the time. I was constantly hypervigilant, trying to figure out if I felt something "off" or what might be the meaning of this feeling or that feeling.

      Basically, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

      After a while, I didn't have the stamina for so much worry. Now I hardly ever fret like that anymore, even though I have plenty of phantom feelings, soreness from exercising, etc.


        I can relate...

        I often feel "funny". Can't really describe it, drives my hubby crazy when I tell him. He doesn't get what that means. I guess I can't really explain it to him either, but I have told my doc that I have just felt "funny" and she didn't think it was a bit odd at all.


          I can definitely relate! I have weird things going on that I struggle to describe or even understand. It's hard to figure out if I am doing better, worse, or the same and I also wonder if any of that really matters.

          The weirdest thing I have exoereinced recently I like to call "water feet". All of a sudden my feet will feel lilke they are in a cold pool of water. I check and double check and they are actually dry. Very strange.


            funny feeling

            All I can say is YEP! I fell "funny" the majority of the time unless the drug me silly - which I dont want. sometimes I feel like a buzzing or electric current floating around - sometimes it makes me jerk. Sometimes I get up to walk and I almost fall forward because my brain didn't tell feet to move. I beleive it is all part of the "communication" problem between brain and nerves but ---- you aren't crazy - MS is!!


              Weird walking feeling

              I can relate too! Especially to the "put one foot down, then the other" thing. Looks like I'm trying to step through a swamp. But that only happens about 25% of the time. The other 75% I can walk normal enough to hide that there is anything wrong. I didn't ask my neuro about it because after awhile, I worry he'll think I'm thinking into things too
              Dxd with MS 8/12
              Awaiting appt with MS Specialist
              No DMDs yet.

