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Ann Romney Interview

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    Ann Romney Interview

    FYI. NECN ( New England Cable News) aired an interview with Ann Romney this morning. she was asked what her priorities would be as a First Lady.To paraphrase, ' as you know I have multiple sclerosis and had breast cancer, so those are issues I want more people to be aware of and be educated about. Also, working with high-risk children....
    This is not a political endorsement by me, but a lot of us have publicly wondered what her areas of concern would be if her husband is elected. This interview answered for me that MS would be on the front burner.


    This is not meant to be political, but just a reminder that as a person with MS, I am barely holding on to my insurance. When they repeal the ACA (Affordable Care Act), my lifetimes limits will go back into effect. I will loose my insurance, and then be in the preexisting conditions window.

    I am blown away that this is not part of her platform seeing as this was part of their platform in Mass. I will not qualify for his preexisting condition clause from employer insurance as I buy my own.

    Sorry, but I can't watch her interviews. I just can't quite understand how she can know how many of us there are that need this insurance and let it go.

    My 2 cents. This is only about her. Not meant to be political.
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      Ditto 22cylist.
      Another pirated saying:
      Half of life is if.
      When today is bad, tomorrow is generally a better day.
      Dogs Rule!


        Ann Romney

        I haven't heard yet what the Romney's view is on pre-existing. I'm hoping that they won't leave us in the dark to walk alone. I wouldn't think he would do that. There are lots of folks out there with pre-existing conditions.




          Thank you 22cyclist for your very accurate articulation about the Romneys and the possible results that would happen to insurance. Too scary to contemplate.


            she doesn't have ms...she might have something,but it's not ms...


              Both Sunapee and 22cyclist have legit points. Most of us hope MS would be a front burner issue for the First Lady from whatever party. Also, many hope the Affordable Care Act stays in place so that:

              “If you’re one of the 129 million Americans with a preexisting condition, you will no longer be charged more, be denied benefits or be denied coverage. Insurance companies won’t be able to charge women higher premiums than men.” End Quote from Sept. AARP Bulletin page 28.

              Hopefully, Ann Romney will begin her advocacy for MS soon and support provisions of the ACA that 22cyclist and thousands of other MS patients will rely on to secure insurance coverage.

              A relevant question for Ann Romney would be about her support for a voucher system to replace how Medicare is currently handled. If the government pays $8000 to the private insurance company of your choice what kind of coverage will they offer for MS patients whose bills far exceed $8000 annually? As a business decision how many companies will pay more in medical claims than they receive in premiums, in this case an $8000 voucher? Plus, they will have to take overhead expenses and profit out of the $8000 before paying any claims.

              I hope Ann does not wait until she becomes First Lady to advocate on behalf of all MS patients, including elderly ones. She is sure to have support from all political persuasions to begin ASAP in her own household and in everyplace where she may have influence.

              Sunapee, 22cyclist and many others are wishing her the best of success in efforts to advocate for MS regardless of election outcomes, I'm sure.


                I just saw Mitt Romney on the NBC Nightly News. David Gregory with Meet the Press was interviewing him. Mr. Romney stated that there are good points to the Affordable Health Care Act which he wouldn't change including pre-existing conditions. This was a snippet from a Meet the Press interview. I imagine it could be googled to view the interview in its entirety (and verbatim, not from my memory!) I'm not political but I found his comment reassuring just as I was reading this conversation. :-)


                  Honestly, I don't think the wives have much pull in policy.

                  They can hold charity events, put the spotlight on a cause, do interviews but if she felt that certain healthcare policies should be in place for people like us, like her, and the majority of the party didn't agree... I think we all know where the President's direction will follow.

                  I just really don't think anything will change as far as MS goes. I wish it would, but I just don't see it.
                  Diagnosed: May 2012
                  Medications: Avonex - stopped 12/14
                  Plegridy - starting 12/14


                    Originally posted by 1936siol View Post
                    I haven't heard yet what the Romney's view is on pre-existing. I'm hoping that they won't leave us in the dark to walk alone. I wouldn't think he would do that. There are lots of folks out there with pre-existing conditions.

                    Romney said today that he wanted to retain parts of the current healthcare law in any new program/law. Pre-existing conditions was specifically named as something he thought needed to be included and kept.

                    Here's a link to an article that confirms that:



                      Originally posted by jm1968 View Post
                      she doesn't have ms...she might have something,but it's not ms...
                      He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                        That's what I thought!



                          Trying to bite my political tongue, I have issues with Ann Romney's MS ( Gov Romney was against stem cell when he was our governor in MA). The Gov's tax claim of $77,000 for the care of their horse was because it was her 'MS therapy'. I don't know about you, but if I could ride a horse at 63 with MS, i wouldn't worry about it too much.

                          Michelle Obama's father had MS, too. In her speech she said how he used to get up early before the family so they wouldn't see his struggles to dress.

                          I heard that with a voucher program, instead of medicare you would get a voucher to purchse your own insurance, good luck with that. Insurance companies could charge whatever they wanted and cover as much or little as they want and there would be nothing we could do about it.


                            I too will bite my tongue don't believe them and don't trust them.

                            That being said, I opted out of Medicare because I have private insurance until I reach age 65 through my husband's early retirement package. I sit here and listen to the politicians and think to myself, my last 5 day dose of acthar gel cost the insurance company $36,000+ while I only paid $18 (which is part of what is wrong with our system) and I say to myself good luck with that in 12 years their voucher won't cover jack #@#%!

                            I have heard several of Ann Romney's interviews and while she comes across as a caring, likable person I truly don't believe she has a clue as to what mainstream MSers deal with on regular basis. She will never lose her home or have to make a decision to eat or buy much needed medication.

                            As said before, most wives don't have much input (actually they probably have none) when it comes to policy, but maybe if we are lucky she can get control of the etcha sketch!


                              I am closing this thread as it has gotten out of hand (all political).
                              MS World
                              PPMS DX 2001

                              "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN

