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Trouble Breathing/Swallowing

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    Trouble Breathing/Swallowing

    So, for the past month or so, I've been having some trouble with my throat. It always feels tight, especially in the center of my throat, and feels like I have to work harder to breathe or swallow. I've thought that maybe these symptoms are just allergies, and have tried things like Allegra and Claritin, but to no avail. I've also tried a variety of nasal sprays, but they don't seem to help either. Are these things possibly related to my MS, or should I try some other things before becoming concerned? Thank you in advance for your help!
    ON Onset 08/28/2011
    DXed 01/11/2012

    "You cheated on me when I specifically asked you not to?!" -- Michael Scott, The Office

    Please bring this to the attention of your doctor. I have issues with swallowing (with choking really), and my Dr. ordered a swallow study. Please do not brush this off thinking that it will go away. Maybe it's something simple, but it needs to be looked at by a professional.
    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      First of all, I am sorry you are having this problem. It can feel scary at times. I used to choke a lot, in fact everytime I ate. Then I would wake up in the middle of the night unable to swallow AT ALL!! I didn't panic (really tried not to) and found out I could not swallow water unless it was really really cold water.

      Had the swallow test and yes swallowed with difficulty..then nothing. Nothing was ordered. So I mentioned this to my GI doc, not sure why I was seeing him then, but he offered to dilate my esophagus, under twilight sleep (Versed and Fetanyl meds). It worked! It helped for 2 years.

      Then when I got a new GI for a surgery I was having, he had to dilate my esophagus a couple of times and have not had the problem at all!! It can be related to MS and it can relate to acid reflux too I believe.

      So yes, get this checked out and ASK what can be done about it. Sometimes it is related to a lesion/MS.

      Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

      Warmly, Jan
      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        Yes my mother has been having breathing issues for a couple years. She can't get a full breath. It stinks. She has to close her eyes and try to take a deep breath, but it's never deep enough.

        You guys have no idea how happy I am to find folk that understnad all t his stuff and hey, I"ve been around it for 20 years, so I could be a good source of info too.

        My mother said, a full stomach will make it worse.


          breathing and nswallowing

          I do have problems. I always feel like I have just walked up a steep hill while just sitting quietly. I guess that sounds crazy to many medical people. I FREQUENTLY CHOKE ON LUQUIDS. Solid foods will sometimes feel like I have a lump stuck in my throat. I have learned that I am better off just to live with. Usually no real harm comes of it except it is unconfortable. I think sometimes the doctors feel we are nuts.



            I have been having swallowing problems also. I have actually had a couple scares where I was starting to panic because I could not swallow my food it was stuck in my throat. Fortunately I had a drink handy or I would have been in real trouble. It is very scary!! I have an appt with my neuro Monday so I will definitley let him know about it.

            As for the breathing I will wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air like I had not been breathing at all. I will mention that to my neuro too.

            They are both scary and a bit unsettleing
            Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

            It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
            Babe Ruth


              Thanks, everyone.

              Thank you for all the input and advice, guys! I have an appointment to see my neuro on the twenty-first, so I'll be sure to ask him about all of this. Thanks again!
              ON Onset 08/28/2011
              DXed 01/11/2012

              "You cheated on me when I specifically asked you not to?!" -- Michael Scott, The Office

