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Are you tired of being tired?? Me too!!

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    Are you tired of being tired?? Me too!!

    I am tired of feeling tired! I have been going to bed early. I must say early for me is before 2:00am. I have been falling asleep within an hour. That's great for me! I fall asleep and a few hours later I am wide awake. I lay there tossing and turning. I just can not fall back asleep. Three hours of sleep just is not enough for me. I have been so tired I have tried to take a nap the past few days. I am so sleepy and I can't wait to lay in my bed and nap. You would think that my sheets are made of double shots of expresso!

    Can someone explain to me how someone could be so tired then lay in bed and be wide awake? I have tried no noise and tried listening to ocean waves. I know your thinking thats not the best choice for you with your dainty bladder!*
    I am sitting here trying to write this and I can not stop yawning. You know the deep yawns where it makes you want to stretch at same time. For me I tend to only feel the immediate need to stretch when I am over tired.

    I hate that because I have gotten a charlie horse in my leg doing that. I hate those. They can be do painful. I swear sometimes it feels like my calf muscle is twirling. I don't know how you all handle it when you get one. My mother always told us to point your toes and lift up that leg. Kinda like a ballerina. Us that's exactly what I must look like when that happens. In a deep sleep snoring, ya I snore I know sexy right! *Laying there like all ballerinas wearing shorts and a t-shirt with my hair up in a pony tail on the top of my head. (I do this because I can not stand my fan blowing my hair when I am trying to sleep). Then suddenly for no known reason a false stretch or movement to the leg. BAM!!! I leg cramp for ****.

    So I point my Barney Rubble toes and toss my leg into the air. It's a Kodak moment for sure but it works! I am not even sure why we get leg cramps. I have heard "it because you have too much calcium in your body", or "you don't have enough calcium in your body"! What is it? I do know that it would make for a hecka funny show if a camera was there when I got a leg cramp. Sometimes it is such a bad cramp that the next day you actually limp on that leg. Very weird.*

    Another thing I want to complain about is my bladder again. I have had it with my bladder basically playing "peek-a-boo! I walk as fast as I possibly can to the bathroom. My bladder is indicating a "code3" (police code for emergency with lights and sirens). I am just about skipping, thighs pinched tight to the knees and the only part of my legs actually moving are from the knees down to the Barney Rubbles! My legs kinda look like I am a mermaid trying to skip down the hall. Lol

    I know what your thinking....that's beautiful just like Swan Lake! Yes exactly! Lol okay back to the code 3! I get to my emergency and sit down with a combination of relief and out of breath. Then nothing happens! I sit there for sometimes 5 minutes and still nothing! My bladder isn't leaking now! I am starting to think my bladder has a mind of its own and it's subconsciously just trying to get me to just exercise!*

    ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    Oh Christine, there's that humour again! You are surely sick of seeing my name, praising your funny bone, but with no solutions offered! I just love the make-fun-of-ourselves kind of comedy, even when it's about a serious topic you manage to make me chuckle!

    Those Charlie Horses are nasty! Your ballerina comparison sounds familiar though, I get those all the time and always have, long before MS. I used to think it was due to living in high heels, even on weekends, but I said goodbye to those 7 years ago. Some really do hurt a lot for a few days after too. I'm very lucky to have an indoor public pool as well as a theraputic pool less than a 2 minute walk from my home... at least until it snows. Even if the theraputic pool is too hot to get into, I can sit on the edge and dangle that calf in.

    Sleep... 3 hours is a cat nap, not a night's sleep! No wonder you're yawning girl. Can you sleep ok in the day? Is it possible you've switched your days and nights around? Or, is it possible to be so over tired or fatigued that you can't fall asleep? Once you fall asleep, do you stay asleep for the most part?

    I sleep great at night but only if i dont sleep in the day. I don't wake up until the next morning and currently I have 2 painful tailbone fractures too (talking about making fun of ourselves... that takes sheer talent! 2 unrelated fractures, on different parts of the tailbone, done 7 months apart, no bone density issues, not MS related falls). I've been helping our mechanic with some paperwork lately, last Tuesday I got home at 3 pm and slept until the next morning! Some people will do ANYTHING to get out of making dinner!

    Hopefully, you're not reading this because you're sleeping but if not, let us know how your night was.
    RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
    "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


      I too appreciate your humor about an otherwise weird and seriously annoying subject. I went thru years of similar sleep patterns as you describe and was trying to work full time. I finally bit the bullet and asked my pcp for some script sleep aids. It made all the difference! Got some Trazadone! and btw, it was just gentle enough to allow me to wake up during the night in time to get to the bathroom!

      Are you taking a magnesium supplement? That is something that has helped me significantly for leg spasms during the night!! I take 300mg each night. You might try it instead of doing the swan lake ballet each night?

      Hope you get some restful sleep soon!
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Catmint and Seasha

        Thank you for your suggestions. I am also glad my story made you laugh. That's my goal for all of us to see the humor and not stress and get upset with ourselves. We have to laugh at ourselves! Positive thoughts through laughter! That's my attitude and I am trying to help others do the same. :-)
        Thanks again!



          I take Lunesta when I'm having a really hard time getting a good nights rest. I only take it every few days or when I really need it, though. But it works great!! I also have to get up throughout the night to relieve what I am now and forever going to refer to as "a dainty bladder"..hahaha--great humor. My husband says I get up and work my way to the bathroom a little like Frankenstein, but I make it! haha
          Good Luck!
          You can't control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. - Yiddish proverb


            I can relate to the walking like Frankenstein too!! Love it! Thanks


              Hi Christine, I haven't been posting because I've been in a near constant state of "brainfartitis" for about a month. Ya know- where you know what you want to say but it won't translate between brain and mouth or fingers, or words getting lost...Seems to be improving again finally!

              Sleep? HA! That dosen't happen alot around here either unless I'm sick (like pnumonia-happens more often than I'd like), my usual is about 3 hours at a time, 4 if I use a sleep aid or beer so I don't take the sleep aids any more

              I would recommend asking for samples of Lunesta and/or...ummm...that OTHER one-that was making news because some people were "sleep driving" while taking it. I'm sure it starts with an "A".

              Leg cramps? YEP. If I pointed my toes like a ballerina I think my foot would fold itself in half- painfully. I always have to pull my foot up close and grab my toes like trying to bend my foot up to lay on my shin. Works for me, sort of, until I let go. It dosen't happen often thank heavens! And dang, the things we hear So far I see "too much calcium" and "not enough magnesium"...*I* was always told it was "a lack of Potassium".

              I sure wish I had an answer for you about the sleep thing, but at this point I've pretty much just learned to live with it. I don't HAVE TO monitor small children or have supper ready for a spouse, my "condition" has made my youngest girl (18 in Nov.) quite responsible and mature in a way that dosen't always make me happy. I just try to make sure I have something to DO that won't disturb her sleep in the middle of the night, like a book, knitting, netflix (quietly) rather than busting out the music, guitar, learning Banjo which could make anybody cringe.


                Thanks WillyNilly,
                I have tried Ambien and Lunesta. In both instances I ended up in the ER with my heart rate too high and other cardiac issues. (have cardiomyopathy too) I do take Atavan two pills but it doesn't work obviously. I even add a Unisom at times. I too do not have small children to get up and take care of. Thank heavens! I think we all just have to learn to deal with few hours of sleep here and there. Thanks for your suggestions.


                  Like the "dainty" bladder. Mine is quite dainty, too.
                  Don't get nearly enough time from "you need to go" to "you have to go" to "you've gone".


                    I too am fighting on the sleep front. Your sleep pattern sounds a lot like mine. But I'm still stuck in the whole train of thought that will not allow me to sleep while the sun is up. "You can not waste the day sleeping" I can still hear my father's voice say. So instead I waste it sleep walking. Not the healthiest way to be. I know. But some old habits die hard I guess.

                    *This thread made me smile a lot. Thank You all


                      I am glad my post made you smile. That is my goal. To tell my story in a way to get others to relate and laugh as they relate. Laughter is the best way to stay positive through our daily struggles.

