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I thought the Chiropractor would help...

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    I thought the Chiropractor would help...

    My mind is boggled.. I went to the Chiropractor and had my first adjustment (ever) with hopes it would help. Instead, here I am 5 days later and slowly getting worse and I'm in even more pain now than I was before. I feel like I'm now in the beginning stages of another relapse.. I have a friend that has a friend whom is a Chiropractor. She also had an adjustment right after I did. I watched (of course) and her friend did the same things to her as she did to me. My friend is doing great though. (However, she doesn't have MS) So, I'm not so sure the Chiropractor did something wrong, I wonder if maybe it's just me. One of my lesions are on my cervical vertebrae. I don't know what difference that could make in the outcome. My question is, has anyone experienced worsening symptoms or complications after having an adjustment? Or is it just me??

    I went to chiropractor for yeeaarrss, because of a poor back. After I was diagnosed with ms, the chiro would adjust my neck, and in short time, I would get a flare. He knew that I was dx with ms and I thought it would help. I have since stopped going. Chiropractors may help some, but I didn't feel it was wise to keep going. I still get those flares, but not nearly as often.

    I do have lesions on my cervical spine, too.


      If standard chiropractic adjustments were the panacea of treatments for MS, we all would be getting adjustments every couple of days. I was under the care of a chiropractor for many years. And then I was diagnosed with MS. So if regular chiropractic adjustments had enormous effect as an MS treatment, I surely would not have this diagnosis.
      I don't believe chiropractic has any effect on MS symptoms. I believe that certain forms of exercise ( with diet ) have a positive impact on MS progression. Yoga, Aqua aerobics and meditative exercises probably are more valuable to treat the effects of MS.


        Sorry for your pain and other issues. I wonder what type of method your chiro uses? The cracking type or other less intrusive kind. My uses B.E.S.T method which only uses a finger along the nerve pathways to UNBLOCK wherever you are sublaxlated sp? Once unblocked your brains natural energy (electrical) would be unblocked and able to reach the areas where you are not aligned or having problems like pinched nerves.

        He kept my MS at bay for years. I just cannot afford to see him now. Hopefully in the future. My chiro also has much higher neuro training as well. He is an amazing healer, but of course this is a disease of surprises!

        When I first went to him years ago, I was such a mess that after the treatments I too would hurt more. Seems my body was soo tight and out of place, that as it shifted back it hurt from being in wrong place too long. He saved my life, my career for a long long time.

        Hope you feel some relief soon.

        I believe in miracles~!
        2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
        Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


          I tried going to a chiropractor for neck/back issues. It made things WORSE for me, so I quit. I also have a lesion in cervical spine. C5-C6 area.

          Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


            I did go to the Chriropractor for a couple of years. It was after my MS diagnosis. I feel it did help. I just could no longer justify the expense when I was not in pain. I beleive that Chriropractic has its place and advantages. My Mother went to one for years. I thoroughly enjoyed getting the adjustments and the muscle stim they were doing as well.


              I began going to a chiropractor 6 months before my diagnosis. However, he uses a different method called the BEST method. This type of chiropractor basically believes that you should keep your neck and spine constantly aligned in order to avoid the "cracking" adjustments other chiropractors use. There is a special table that gently "drops" the head with no cracking allowed. Since I have spinal lesions, it makes sense to me to have this area as straight as possible. I still go every 4-6 weeks for a checkup, and the $13.25 (after insurance) seems a cheap price to pay. Does it help? No idea, but it can't hurt.


                I go to an upper cervical chiropractor.

                I go to an upper cervical chiropractor. I don't think I could handle the other total body type. I have found relief for my itching (focal point - rt. foot); it's not totally gone, but much better.

                This particular type of chiro is very pleasant to go to and very supportive. I love them.

                You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                  A Atlas Adjustment might help

                  There is a clinical trial using an Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor who specializes in the c1 vertebrae and Upright Fonar MRI. The Atlas is the first vertebrea that hold the head and is usually misaligned. The Atlas rides next the jugular vein and can block both csf and blood flow. These Chiropractors specialize in the treatment nerves. They are not crack and pop chiropractors. There are many people seeking help with these chiro's that have had relief of symptoms

