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Itchy arm(s) anyone??

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    Itchy arm(s) anyone??

    Dear fellow MSers...a few years ago I had a month or two when both my forearms would get really itchy right around bedtime, or in the middle of the night. This was pre-Dx though. I mentioned it to my neuro afer my diagnosis, but he didn't think it was MS related, and further, was hesitant to judge anything prior to my diagnosis (wasn't really pertinent to my diagnosis, or care going forward).

    My itchiness has started back up again and has been going on for over a month night, occasionally in the afternoon, but mostly at bedtime, or even waking me in the middle of the night, but this time on only one arm, and just ABOVE the elbow, a different spot. I've kept a food diary, thinking it could have been some sort of allergy, but just can't pinpoint any one trigger. It happens whether I've been in the sun, or indoors all day. Oh, but it seems to be worse when I am warm.

    It is unbearable, and really interfering with my getting a good night's sleep. Cold compresses seem to be the only thing that really helps. I often take benadryl when it wakes me up, along with the compresses, but can't figure out if it actually helps with the itching, or just puts me back to sleep. Has anyone experienced this? Only at night?? Is this MS related?? I guess it doesn't really matter, whether it is, or it isn't...but if it were MS related, at least I'd stop beating myself up trying to figure it out.

    Other than that, I feel remarkably well, and have very few lingering symptoms from my first flare (just a small handful of silent lesions). Still relatively new to this (3 years since DX). Thanks for reading, and sharing any similar experiences.


    I have itching in my shins. Only appears periodically, but when it does, it's always worse at night. If you read descriptions of neuropathy, you'll find itching mentioned.


      I wonder why your doc would say that. Do you have an MS nurse?

      In any case, it's called Systemic Pruritus and if you google it and MS, there's plenty of info.


        the ants are back

        mine feels like i have bugs crawling in my legs. I have scratched so hard that i have almost drawn blood.

        it seems for me to be much worse at night, it seems the more tired i get the worse it gets. so i in the morning i don't have much in the way of symptoms. by lunch i am hurting and by bedtime i am just begging to fall asleep because i hurt/itch/twitch so bad.


          i itch for no apparent reason too. i do believe that my itching is a combination of dry, irritated skin and neuropathic itching. hydrocortisone cream seems to help some (one reason i believe there is more to it than just a neuropathy), also i tried a natural capsacin cream and that seemed to help too.

          the capsacin cream is meant to be a pain relieving cream and i guess if you think of a neuropathy as a form of pain (tingling, burning, pins and needles, etc.) it makes sense that it would work. anyhow, the only other thing that i found beneficial was running ice cold water over my legs which is NOT ideal. the itching can be so frustrating. i hope you are able to find some relief.
          dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11


            I found that Benedryl gel caps knock a lot of the itch down.
            They're OTC and they don't beat up the budget too badly. Just check the allergy aisle at your grocery or big box store.


              Hmm. Since it's in your head or spine, I'm not sure allergy medecine will help and that will make you very sleepy. I recommend you speak with your doctor.


                That was one of my original MS symptoms, and I didn't even know it at the time.


                  Originally posted by BigA View Post
                  Hmm. Since it's in your head or spine, I'm not sure allergy medecine will help and that will make you very sleepy. I recommend you speak with your doctor.
                  I did. She recommended Tylenol PM because it has Benedryl in it and it could help me sleep. The Tylenol part was too much so I tried benedryl tabs and they worked.
                  Of course, my doctor in this case is my Neuro and she teachs this stuff as a side line, so maybe she just got lucky?



                    that's great. I should have been more clear. I meant for Marleigh to ask her (his?) doctor.

                    Marleigh, I suspect if you say it feels like you have ants crawling on your skin instead of itching, he/she will say that it's a symptom of MS. Almost everyone has that.

                    MS doctors seem to always try to say it's not the MS first an then if you persist, they will treat it. In fact, I think that if it's not urgent, it's almost good practice to shoo you away so that if it goes away, you haven't started a new medication.

                    That's how I handle it. I mention it, find out what meds are available but hold off as long as I can before taking a med. Sometimes these things resolve on their own.

                    But what you are feeling is perfectly MS normal.


                      I get that itchiness sometimes, too. Last time it happened, I took a Benedryl and it finally stopped itching. I also hear that gabapatin is good for that, too.


                        Me too!

                        OMG, I do this too. Drives me crazy! Don't understand why it starts at bedtime.

                        I think the more we scratch, the more irritated and itchy our arms are.
                        Bare with me and let me explain what helps me. It was a trick my mom used for eczema when I was a baby.
                        Cook 5-minute oatmeal and put it in a stocking, tied closed. Rub this over wet skin for about 5 minutes. The more "goo" on you, the better! Lol Barely pat skin dry. I put on a long-sleeved t-shirt with thumb holes cut in the cuffs. This keeps me from scratching during the night.

                        Sounds strange, I know but this is the only thing I have
                        found that helps me. I'm willing to do almost anything for relief.
                        Dx 3/4/12. Tec X 2 as of 7/7/13
                        Weebles wobble and occasionally they DO fall down!

