


We began with a mission and purpose to help others living with MS.

We were excited to get going!

And hit a few bumps along the way…

However, in all seriousness, we remain grateful for our amazing volunteers, members & all who have made MSWorld a valuable resource for all!

July 10, 2024, we celebrated the goodness of these past 28 years. With a heavy heart, we will be ending our services.

We need a financial miracle to keep going forward.

We thank all for your support.

MSWorld's website will close on October 16, 2024.

“I personally want to wish all of you the guidance to find this type of support, as so many do here. Also, my prayers and love extends beyond my understanding. It has been a pleasure to steward this journey.”

God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

we leave knowing that
we did our best and
stayed true to our mission and purpose.

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    Wondering if anyone has experienced LOTS of unexplained bruising? if it could have anything to do with MS? My legs (lower mostly) look like a 6 year old kid's at the end of summer after playing outside, biking, etc. for an entire summer. And I never remember injuring them....
    Just curious!

    YES yes yes! and I don't like it. Im looking at one now on my right and blue. Don't know how I did it. Must have happen yesterday.

    In addition both my legs and my left buttocks are scared from falling, leaning bumping...oh however it happened... I'll be carrying the marks for life.

    It was nice to be young and fresh with no scares and smooth skin. I can only say that you are probably prone to injury with even knowing, so be careful
    Progressive Relapsing MS


      thanks for your quick reply.....and glad to know I'm not totally alone. I know I'm clumsier than ever....but can never remember banging into stuff enough to cause all these bruises. It's CRAZY!
      Thanks -- hope you have a good day


        Yes, I seem to bruise more, but I have no idea how I get them.
        Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

        "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


          Keep in mind that many medications can make you more prone to bruising.

          So, it could be a combination of the MS making you more likely to stumble, etc. and the med making it more likely for you to bruise from stumbles, etc.


            Unexplained bruising/easily bruised is not related to MS.

            Unexplained brusing is common. Some people bruise easily, some health conditions (not MS) can cause bruising, vitamin deficiencies and some medications.

            If concerned speak to your PCP.
            Diagnosed 1984
            “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic



              I think mine are due to careening off doorways and such in my house.
              I can no longer tell distances when I reach or set things down so I have to be VERY careful with my coffee and such.
              I have to clean up the mess I make.
              Another pirated saying:
              Half of life is if.
              When today is bad, tomorrow is generally a better day.
              Dogs Rule!


                Way back in early-mid 2007 I had serious problem with ankle bruising. My fam doc looked at it and dismissed it as having hit it and not knowing or feeling it due to being diabetic.

                One day it was so painfull I went to a walk-in clinic. They did an X-ray and found a bone spur was tearing at my tendon or whatever, (thanks to weak ankles) and causing it to bleed/bruise from the inside. I left the walk-in wearing an ankle brace and later Rx'd AFOs. BTW, my weak ankles are courtesy of MS, so in my case it was MS related.

                Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

