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Copaxane and swollen ankles

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    Copaxane and swollen ankles

    I started Copaxane 2 weeks ago, yesterday I noticed my ankles were slightly swollen. Didn't think to much about it. But today, Both ankles still swollen and the left ankle is now a cankle. Both ankles hurt when I move my feet, but the left is by far the worst. I called Shared Solutions and spoke to an RN who instructed me to call my Doctor tomorrow morning to let her know. She also said it was still ok to inject tonight. Has anybody else experienced this? If so, any recommendations. Did you have to discontinue the Copaxane? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    I sometimes get swollen ankles, but I've never connected it to my Copaxone use. Have you had anything else different in your life besides the Copaxone?
    Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.


      I never put it together

      I have been on copaxone since February and I get very little swelling in my ankles but I do get pain in them. I roll them and point my toes to stretch them.. It helps alot.
      limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.


        Nothing has changed. I did start Physical Therapy to help with back/knee pain. Was taping my knee thought that me be causing swelling, up didn't tape all weekend..ankles not as swollen, but painful. My Neurologist ordered a bunch of lab work and EKG. Lab work completed Friday (no results yet) be scheduled. I guess in the mean time..feet up!


          Keep us posted

          I'm really interested to hear what your neuro says, because I've had real problems with swollen ankles since changing from Avonex to Copaxone, and stiff, sore feet when I get up in the mornings. I do fly a lot, and that definitely adds to the problem, but it wasn't a problem on Avonex. I still prefer Copaxone to Avonex by miles though.
          Diagnosis February 2011 Avonex: February 2011 - September 2011, Copaxone: September 2011 - current

