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I apolagise if I offended anyone!

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    I apolagise if I offended anyone!

    It was brought to my attention that some of the content of my last post may of offended those who have chosen to take a DMD, this was not my intent!

    It has been very hard trying to decide what form of medication to choose to control my MS, I have been doing alot of research and quite frankly the DMD's scare the hell out of me

    For those of you who are on a dmd, I did not mean to insult your choice or make light of any benefit you may be getting from it. I have not ruled out DMDs on a permanent basis.

    2004 pos/MS 2006 Pos/MS also Pos/Crazy 14/01/2012 here we go againDx RRMS 21/06/2012

    Hey Wally8

    It is OK

    This is a community of VERY diverse opinions.
    I asked a question in the past that wasn't meant to offend (but did offend some) & I found over time that some of the "offended" hold opinions & ideas that are similar to mine.

    If anything, we understand what you are going through.

    It is OK to have an opinion.

    Thanks for being here


      So what if someone took offense to your, well deserved, skepticism. It's your life and health. You do and say anything you want to protect what's yours. You have to go a long way to 'offend' me.
      Being from 'down under', you must be aware of Dr. George Jelinek and his work with this disease. I wish you well on your journey.


        Dang I can't find it! Either that or nothing you wrote offended me, lol.

        Personally I love a spirited debate and find that if someone's response raises my hackles I really need to explore what is going on inside myself. Its not about them more likely it is about me.

        I'm pretty self-assured with most of my beliefs but try to keep an open mind because on occasion I have learned something from someone who I didn't consider to be the brightest bulb in the box.
        He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


          I think the saying goes, "He who is offended when no offense was intended is a fool. He who is offended when offense is intended is an even greater fool."

          In other words, don't take offense!

          If someone was offended, it was there problem.
          Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.


            I'm sure I've offended quite a few people over the years of posting. My advice to the person who was offended by whatever you wrote--get a thicker skin, or don't read the posts.
            Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

            "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


              Thanks for the replies everyone

              "He who is offended when no offense was intended is a fool. He who is offended when offense is intended is an even greater fool."
              I really like this saying, very Phoo man Choo

              I am learning fast, that when one puts their thoughts and opinions out there for everyone to see, one is bound to get some negative feed back, we can't all agree. So as my husband says, treat it like " Water off a Ducks Back" and move on!

              2004 pos/MS 2006 Pos/MS also Pos/Crazy 14/01/2012 here we go againDx RRMS 21/06/2012


                I have been busy, so I missed the first post; but I also like a good debate, even if I just read and do not comment.

                I am on Rebif and if I cannot get Gilynnia or Tysabari, I may go off al dmds also. I have been on them over 3 years (wow has it been that long?) and I am tired of shots and I feel I am gettong worse, so if you choose not to take any dmd's, that is entirely your decision.

                Plus some of use are just too sensitive.



                  Thanks for the information


                  I want to thank you for the information.. I am newly dx'd and looking for answers myself. I truly believe that money is the root of all evil and medicine is big business. Their is no limit to what many people will do to make and keep money. So, do I believe that the government would keep a cheap cure out of the public's hands until they make a synthetic expensive cure. Yes! Why sell magnisium in prescription when you can eat a bananna... Because more people make money off the prescription. Prescribed water pills. Asparigus takes water off of me.
                  limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.


                    JudySz...True, nothing like a good healthy debate, that is how we learn. Am finding thou, that the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink" is ringing quite true in this debate. Another favorite is " There are none so blind than those that WONT see"

                    ladibabe...You are most welcome Knowledge is power!!

                    2004 pos/MS 2006 Pos/MS also Pos/Crazy 14/01/2012 here we go againDx RRMS 21/06/2012


                      I read a posting earlier today, another poster different section that I took exception to, but not quite offended. So far, I have not responded with my tupence.

                      Someone outright recommended a newbie to MS NOT take any DMD. If I recall correctly, they suggested the OP wait and see how their MS progresses first. The problem with that for me is that its a decision the OP and their DOCTOR should make. Furthermore, any consequences from selecting or not taking any DMD will be suffered by the OP and no one else. What works for one person may not work for someone else, and that is under the best circumstances.

                      For me taking a DMD was a positive step and has been beneficial. BUT.... that was MY decision and it was right for me. I nor anyone else can make a decision for someone else. All we can and should do is express our OPINIONS and how we made our personal choices.

                      Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                        Freedom of speech, etc. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.
                        People seem to like feeling offended or outraged, in general, not here so much.
                        If I disagree, then I just disagree. Don't want to set fire to the village.
                        I've often thought the exact same thing about the usefulness of dmds, usually just before I meekly go and shoot up. (Copaxone, not heroin.) Does it work? Who knows.
                        I fear not all that much, but hope springs eternal.


                          Originally posted by ladibabe View Post

                          I want to thank you for the information.. I am newly dx'd and looking for answers myself. I truly believe that money is the root of all evil and medicine is big business. Their is no limit to what many people will do to make and keep money. So, do I believe that the government would keep a cheap cure out of the public's hands until they make a synthetic expensive cure. Yes! Why sell magnisium in prescription when you can eat a bananna... Because more people make money off the prescription. Prescribed water pills. Asparigus takes water off of me.
                          On the subject of pharmaceutical companies, specifically, and MS in general. You might want to check out this website...his last two posts have touched on pharmaceutical companies and MS plus the recent release of study info disparaging DMDs. Also in the article about a sick healthcare system, he has a really interesting bit of info about diabetes type 1 and a breakthrough made using a "cheap" been around for a long time vaccine...only problem is, no pharmaceutical company is interested, because there's no money in it. Anyhoo, being a newbie, lots of info on Marc's site:


                          As for me, I recently quit Beta...been on it for over 9 years, didn't start originally when diagnosed, but eventually got on it and I'm sure it helped. but in the last year it seems to have backfired on me (as far as side effects...I used to have minimal, now I have the classic) and my MS is on a downward slide lately, despite the Beta. Talked it over with the neuro, so we're holding out for BG12...there are several other issues for me that would keep me from trying Ty or Gilenya, or Copaxone. So I'm okay with the decision to go med free, but only till the BG12 comes on the market.



                            I wasn't offended. In fact I didn't even get it. Maybe my MS relapse is creeping back. I have not understood a lot lately my wife tells me. Ability to comprehend is one of my first sign. So all-in-all maybe you did me a favor .... whatever it was... Duh
                            Dave Tampa, Florida


                              Asparagus and Water


                              I saw your post and you said asparagus helped with your water gain. I have recently been dx after two years of sx. I am in the do I or Don't I stage of taking DMD's. I am looking at changing my diet and see if I can help myself help my MS. I understand by researching - change in diet, more exercise (I lack in this one), sleep and other factors help in controlling flair-ups. I recently have had an issue with water retention. I never had this before. And I love asparagus. If this can help in anyway I will try it. Thanks for the idea.

                              I know that all things don't help all people, but asparagus is a food that is healthy and it certainly can't hurt you so here I go, lol. Not sure about the bathroom part though lol.
                              Take care and there will never be an offense taken here.
                              Its nice to be open minded. Im less stressed

