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Bladder training

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    Bladder training

    So I went to the urologist for the first time to explore my options related to having an overactive bladder, yippee.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing she suggested which I am positive has some influence on my issues is that there is a psychological component to urinary urges. She explained it like Pavlov's dog's response to the ringing bell. For example if every time you see a bathroom you go "just in case" your body becomes conditioned to need to go every time you see a bathroom.

    I hadn't considered it before but it makes sense for my situation. I rarely ever make myself resist the urge to urinate mostly out of fear of not being able to hold it and also because I figured it is futile and I might as well just do it when the urge hits even if it is a million times a day. I'm consumed by worrying about where I will be using the restroom and it has become part of my daily plans, sigh.

    1. Where on the highway I can stop: better go now because who knows where the next one will be or what kind of traffic congestion I might run into.
    2. Where at any doctor's office or store: find it immediately and go "just in case" often I end up going twice during one shopping trip.
    3. At work: better go now because who knows what will come up and maybe I won't be able to break away.

    The good and also interesting news is that now that I am trying to resist the urge, when it is practical and there isn't a chance of me soiling myself I actually am reducing my trips to the bathroom a bit. That "urge to go" feeling doesn't feel nearly as ominous or scary. Weird, huh?

    Anyhoo I know this won't help everyone and maybe not even make a huge difference in my life but I thought I would share. Hope you are feeling ok today.
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

    Thanks for posting this!

    You sound like me - go now b/c you don't know what might happen.

    In the past few months I have delayed my bathroom trip for various reasons (but not on purpose) and was pleasantly surprised to not have a negative outcome.

    You've given me something to think about ... and maybe try re-training my bladder.
    DX 10/2008
    Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
    Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
    Aubagio 01/18-09/20

    Ocrevus 09/20-present


      I've also wondered about this...

      I think a lot of us deal with this issue. I feel one drop of pee, and I hit the bathroom immediately. Yes, I think some of this has got to be in my head because sometimes I can go seemingly long stretches without thinking about it.

      However, in my case, I think it started before M.S. I was always worried about my weight, and thought that eliminating water was a good thing. The more I went to the bathroom, the "smaller" I'd look. My brother was a wrestler and worried a lot about water weight and perhaps some of that wore off on me as a teen. I would look "smaller" with less fluid in my body!

      Salons used to offer a "wrap" that you could put on to sweat off a couple pounds of water weight before a big event (wedding, H.S. reuinion, etc.). So yes, I do think that we MSers could quite possible making things harder on ourselves, and that's the last thing we need to be doing!

      Thanks for a thought-provoking post, Jules.
      Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


        I have the same issues as you all. I have tried all of the things that haqve been suggested here . And I have found a powder called D-mannose that was recommended by my 'naturopath' to help with calming down the irritation in my bladder, he suggests, from bacteria. I buy it at the health food store and mix it in juice every day. It seems to have helped me stay away from the urgency that I had in the past.


          I'm sure that's absolutely true about Pavlov's dog and bathrooms being like the bell.

          However, there remains the problem of actually having to go really quite urgently when the urge inevitably strikes.
          This is doable when you're sprightly, impossible when you're not.

          The number of times I've had to pee behind a tree...


            Hi Jules,

            I saw my continence specialist on Wednesday with the same overactive bladder issue.

            Funny, as she also quoted me the Pavlovs dog example. She actually started by asking me if I knew of Pavlovs dog, and I said yes, he was the first dog sent into space.

            Next time I don't know something, I will just admit it.


              Originally posted by Arthur Spooner View Post
              Hi Jules,

              I saw my continence specialist on Wednesday with the same overactive bladder issue.

              Funny, as she also quoted me the Pavlovs dog example. She actually started by asking me if I knew of Pavlovs dog, and I said yes, he was the first dog sent into space.

              Next time I don't know something, I will just admit it.
              Now the million dollar question: When to pee, when to hold it?
              Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                Thanks to everyone who responded! You guys/gals always put a smile on my face.
                He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                  Makes me think! I think the peeing behind a tree is so funny. Mine is using the "out" house (country roads).

                  My husband has been known to carry me a pee buket!



                    Originally posted by JerryD View Post
                    I have the same issues as you all. I have tried all of the things that haqve been suggested here . And I have found a powder called D-mannose that was recommended by my 'naturopath' to help with calming down the irritation in my bladder, he suggests, from bacteria. I buy it at the health food store and mix it in juice every day. It seems to have helped me stay away from the urgency that I had in the past.

                    Just wanted to mention, check out d-mannose powder on Amazon. It's so much cheaper on Amazon than it is at our health food stores, about half the price for me, compared to our local health food store.


                      Great so the results of my urology study is that my bladder only has 50mls in it before I start getting the contractions. Good news is that I don't retain urine, for now.

                      In addition to the bladder training which is working somewhat she prescribed Enablex which she said is also helpful for fecal urgency. It looks like my insurance company is only going to pay for Ditropan but much to my surprise there is actually a Consumer Reports on pee meds, lol. Sadly it doesn't look like any of them are shining stars, sound familiar? Like DMDs maybe? See link below.

                      In any event I think I'm only going to use it PRN which isn't how it is prescribed but hopefully will work for me during those times like a long road trip etc. when it really would be helpful not to have to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes.

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                      He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                        Good news Jules....

                        I had a study done recently and I voided over 200ml, then they did an actual measure of post void residual, I voided every drop I could, and still had over 300ml left.

                        I had to start self cathing several times a day, to empty my bladder. Not fun (long pipes) but sure sleep better)

                        I my case it could be a contributing factor in my renal function decline.

                        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                          Originally posted by gomer View Post
                          Good news Jules....

                          I had a study done recently and I voided over 200ml, then they did an actual measure of post void residual, I voided every drop I could, and still had over 300ml left.

                          I had to start self cathing several times a day, to empty my bladder. Not fun (long pipes) but sure sleep better)

                          I my case it could be a contributing factor in my renal function decline.

                          Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot
                          Dang, but I guess self-cathing is necessary because you can't leave it in there to stagnate. I'm glad to hear that it is helping you sleep better. Thanks for writing and hang in there.
                          He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

