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Novicaine cause long lasting facial numbness???

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    Novicaine cause long lasting facial numbness???

    Ok it might just be me but has anyone else experianced this???

    This was my first OFFICIAL sign of MS tho I know there was more but this was the first one the dr's took seriously lol....

    Right after having my daughter I had a few fillings done. It went ok except I had alot more pain than a normal person would from just 2 filling and the novicaine wore off after a couple hours. About 1 1/2 weeks later the entire right side of my face went numb. At first I thought I had a stroke, no one in my family has had MS and it never occured to me I had it till it was mentioned and I looked back at all my symptoms together then it was a duh momment lol......

    Anyways back to the story, at first I was diagnosed with bells palsy and followed up with my dr who agreed. But I started having more symptoms. I was so fatigued I could barely take care of my newborns basic needs, I had to hold onto walls to walk, I was slurring words and went from being smart enough to pass the state bar without testing to speaking like a toddler.

    I had to write down feedings and diaper changes cause I couldnt remember them. I was so upset with the dr's not listening I went to another dr for a second opinion. He said right away "you have MS, we just need the test to confirm it" within a month I had the confirmation....

    I have not been back to the dentist since then (almost 5 yrs ago). Im so scared that the dental work is what caused my first flare up. Ive lost 2 fillings and now am in major pain, I have a appt in 2 hours. Im scared to death. PLEASE someone give me your experiences with dental work since being diagnosed......

    I am not getting the work today. I am going for the initial exam and to explain my situation to him and to hopefully come up with a way he can fix all my teeth without the use of novicaine. My teeth are in horrible condition and I cant put this off anymore, I hope all the worrying is just in my head.

    I can understand your concern. I have regular cleanings, and have had one inlay done since diagnosis.

    I don't have real MS problems from it, but am having a harder time keeping my mouth open for that long, due to muscle fatigue , spasms, and cranial nerve dysfunction on one side.

    Explain your situation to the dentist, I'm sure they'll be understanding. My hygienist lets me take breaks to close my mouth and rest my jaw whenever I need to.

    good luck with the appt.


      Well that dentist was a joke!! He thought it was in my head, I need a root canal and he wanted to give me a valium for my nerves then just novicaine....... off to find another one who will listen.

      I'm sick of hearing it's all in my head


        My 1st un-ignorable symptom was the left side of my face going numb. It lasted about 4 months, and I've regained most of the sensation. Also had the right side go numb too a few months later, regained all sensation back on that side.

        I've noticed I get an increase in symptoms about a week after a visit to the dentist (I go every 6 months like clockwork). I think it's probably from muscle fatigue, the inevitable gum scraping, and because I have issues with my trigeminal nerves.

        It's extremely unhealthy to not get regular tooth cleaning. If your current dentist isn't listening, find one who does...preferably one who has patients with trigeminal neuralgia, MS, and isn't so busy that they'll let you periodically rest during cleanings.
        RRMS 2011, Copaxone 2011-2013, Tecfidera 2013-current


          What kind of a quack dentist is that? That's awful, unprofessional and mean! I'm pretty regular at the dentist and have had MS since 2005. It's not in your head. Things definitely changed after dx.

          For example, getting top teeth cleaned isn't a problem, but to clean the bottom teeth I have to be frozen due to over sensitivity. I have needed more fillings too, I tend to not feel cavities the way I used to and don't catch them as early. This, of course, has absolutely NOTHING to do with my love of sweets!

          The only freezing issue is that it lingers longer than it should. I just got a filling on the top recently and I was frozen up to my eye. It's my only eye with sight and i couldn't feel it move or blink until the next day, it didn't affect my vision.

          I'm not sure where you live but i would find a new dentist via whatever governing body licenses them (ours is Ontario Dental Assoc.). Remember, you are paying the dentist a lot of $ so don't be shy to "interview" a few, ask specifics pertaining to your MS, ask for references and check them. Even good dentists have different methods of treatment so it's important you find one that you're comfortable with.

          I hope you find someone soon, root canal isn't something you can ignore. You don't need an infection or abscess to sneak in there. Best of luck and let us know how you're making out.
          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


            Originally posted by KateA2 View Post
            My 1st un-ignorable symptom was the left side of my face going numb. It lasted about 4 months, and I've regained most of the sensation. Also had the right side go numb too a few months later, regained all sensation back on that side.

            I've noticed I get an increase in symptoms about a week after a visit to the dentist (I go every 6 months like clockwork). I think it's probably from muscle fatigue, the inevitable gum scraping, and because I have issues with my trigeminal nerves.

            It's extremely unhealthy to not get regular tooth cleaning. If your current dentist isn't listening, find one who does...preferably one who has patients with trigeminal neuralgia, MS, and isn't so busy that they'll let you periodically rest during cleanings.

            I am so glad Im not the only one this has happened to, it makes me feel less crazy...... I know no one else with ms and have no idea what to expect or how to deal with any of these issues

