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Wiped out!!

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    Wiped out!!

    Hi all! Today I wiped was very frustrating and embarrassing! My DH and daughters went with me for walk. I was feeling good so I decided to see if I could jog a bit. Well, I tripped on the sidewalk and face planted on the concrete. It hurt!! My chin and lip are scraped (thankfully no broken teeth!!), a big gash on my right shoulder and knee and me left hand. Big time bummer! It is funny, I didn't stop running because of falling (I only would run 20-30minutes anyhow), but because of leg pain. I miss my little jogs a couple times a week, but now I think I need to stick to walking.

    I am sure I will get some interesting looks next week at work. I am a sales person, so I am out and about with others throughout the day. Ugh! LOL!!

    I'm sorry you fell. I'm a little jealous that you still can walk and feel you might be able to jog. Be careful and I hope your wounds heal quickly.
    Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

    "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


      Moonbeam, thanks for your reply. Yes, I am very grateful that I can still walk. It has been in varying degrees over the past several years...there were times that I could barely make it around the block and thought for sure that I was truly loosing my mobility.

      I believe it is hard not to be jealous of our losses. I know that feel jealous of my friends that are hiking 14'ers and are able to play tennis....I haven't been able to do those things and not sure that I will again. (Maybe hit balls with my DH for a half hour, but don't think I will ever be able to play in the league with friends again...I feel jealous about that.)

      The invisible challenge with this disease is letting go of things we used to do, especially if those activities helped define us.

      Someone posted on MSW about arnica gel. It is amazing. The swollen bruise on my knee is almost gone...just from yesterday. It seems like my Copaxone site reactions are also better when I use the arnica gel. Wish I knew about it sooner.

      Moonbeam, how you are having a good Sunday! Blessing to you,


