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I really do appreciate MS World

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    I really do appreciate MS World

    Just felt the need to say thank you all.
    It's such a wonderful thing to have somewhere to express your true feelings, and what you're really going through.
    No need to burden your nearest and dearest with everything.
    No need to pretend all is well.
    No need to think you're the only one who's had a mystery symptom.
    And there's always someone there to cheer you up, or join in the woe. Trouble shared really is trouble halved. (Sort of.)
    Thank you.
    I would have gone completely mad had I not found this place.


    I agree completely. MSWorld is a total lifesaver.
    RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


      Ditto...well said

      .....and you both are significant contributors!



        I think MSWorld is pretty great, too.
        1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
        NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


          As a newbie in this world of MS, I have to say that msworld has been a tremendous blessing in my life. The wealth of knowledge, and diversity of experiences, from this active community have helped me turn the "overwhelming" into the "manageable".


            Me too! I can't tell you how many times I've said, "OMG what the 'beep' is THAT?!?!" and logged in here to see if anyone else has experienced it. MS World has literally saved me quite a few panicked trips to emergency. Thanks for giving us a place to ask anything, vent, and read about real life with MS.
            RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
            "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


              Thank you ms World.

              I feel like i have friends here that i can talk to about my disease. My friends dont really seem to understand. When they see me they always tell me i look better and that my medicine is helping but their not with me 24/7 so they dont really know. Thank you guys for listening to me


                I was diagnosed in 1971. I've been looking for this board for 39 yrs. These guys do good work. It makes it a whole new ballgame for everyone!


                  I think this site has probably saved many interpersonal relationships. Many people around me think I handle this disease gracefully and would freak if they came to this site and saw how I really feel about living with this crappy disease. I am grateful for a place to vent with people who get it. There is no aspect of this disease we don't dissect to the nth degree which is invaluable when you live with such an off the charts complicated disease. Thank you guys for being here!
                  Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                    I did, but don't any more.
                    Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.


                      This place is a life saver!

                      Just today i was celebrating the fact that I got picked up by a service organization for my VA claim, something nobody but folks like us would understand. Well, the veterans anyway, lol. Then I thought copax was gonna make me chew off one of my arms, but then I saw a post that recommended topical benadryl. IT WORKS!! Sometimes we all just need to feel a little validation, empathy instead of sympathy.

                      I just luv you guys!

                      What's the matter with you sir-voor? You don't like this site?
                      You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


                        For me, finding this place, and "meeting" all of you has been the only good thing about MS.

                        Rainbows and fluffy rabbits or the black dog of depression.

                        This place more or less keeps you safely and sanely somewhere in the centre.


                          Originally posted by alishape View Post

                          What's the matter with you sir-voor? You don't like this site?
                          Naw...I think sombody pissed in his tea

                          Actually I've found Sir Voor an interesting contributor...I'd be interested to hear why you're not happy here Sir V? Will an explaination go through the mods?

                          Personally I've been reading for a couple of years and fairly recently started participating. My only complaint is that we can't reach out to other members on a personal, private level unless someone wants to put an email address in their profile. I can live with that though.


                            Sir Voor

                            I would like to know what happened to Sir Voor also. Not everyone is like the person who pissed you off. Just remember, this MonSter often makes people lash out when they normally wouldn't. Stupid thing about this disease. I hope that is not what happened. We will surely miss you if you stop contributing.

                            Regarding the messaging people privately, there are other forums that let you click on someone's name and a private chat window pops up. That would be really neat as for some reason MS Chat still doesn't work on my iPad. I have followed instructions several times and even had others try and it just won't work.
                            RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


                              Love msworld!!!!

                              I know when something is bothering me, I can come here and vent or look for answers.

                              Thank you, Thank you ALL

                              We Are Not Alone!!!!!
                              ISSUES LONG BEFORE
                              REBIF 1 YEAR

