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    Does anyone else get startled easy? I don't know if its MS or just me but the last few years I seem to get startled very easy, just someone walking in my office and saying my name in a normal tone makes me jump out of me seat
    Ankylosing Spondylitis DX- Sept 2008, MS DX- November 2011,RRMS- 1-11-12, Copaxone -3-2-12

    When im trying to fall asleep i notice that i will jump. This disease is so weird.


      Originally posted by cm27lvn View Post
      When im trying to fall asleep i notice that i will jump. This disease is so weird.
      Yah I have that too , I jerk myself back awake
      Ankylosing Spondylitis DX- Sept 2008, MS DX- November 2011,RRMS- 1-11-12, Copaxone -3-2-12


        My husband has always complained because I jump when he walks into the room sometime: "I'm the only other person here."
        Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

        "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


          I think its called a heightened startle response and I think many of us can relate to it.
          I just chalk it up to more of the typical MS weirdness.


            I've had this heightened startle response ever since a car
            accident (car vs deer....nobody won) in 92. I think it's
            what kicked off this whole "possible ms" thing off from the
            get go!

            Take care of yourselves,

            "I'm not limping!! I'm just favoring each leg differently!!"


              Originally posted by CGMoonbeam View Post
              My husband has always complained because I jump when he walks into the room sometime: "I'm the only other person here."
              Yah that's what I am talking about lol
              Ankylosing Spondylitis DX- Sept 2008, MS DX- November 2011,RRMS- 1-11-12, Copaxone -3-2-12


                Yes, I have that too. Some call it being hypervigilant, hyperalert or having hyperacusis(sp). I am convinced it is a symptom of my ms because it started right around the same time I started having weird symptoms that are attributed now to the disease. Stress make it worse too. Also if I'm having a bad MS day I am more and more easily startled. It's said to be a sign of PTSD. I mean I have had a somewhat difficult life, but I have never been in combat or anything. Plus I don't think it's psychological because nothing specific happened to me right before it started, meaning I can't think of a trigger of any kind.

                I told my neuro about it and he put me on cymbalta. It helps some with the starle response and some with the zings in my body. It also helps me to worry less about both conditions, so I stress out less. I mean it helps all aspects of the feed backloop. Plus I have lost a lot of weight since I sarted it. So far the only plus to having MS is the fact that I have lost forty pounds taking Cymbalta. Whoop Whoop!
                You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


                  I want your metabolism,

                  Alishape. I gained 20 pounds in the first six weeks of taking Cymbalta. I hope it stops soon!


                    Originally posted by alishape View Post
                    It's said to be a sign of PTSD.
                    Exaggerated startle response is common in those with PTSD, although there can be other causes for an exaggerated startle response.

                    I do have a very exaggerated startle response and have had it since 2003. This IS due to PTSD and IS NOT related to my MS. Although I don't like is what it is.
                    Diagnosed 1984
                    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                      @jcrain, you wouldn't have wanted it before. I had cracked and hovered around 200 pounds. Now I am 164. Looking pretty sexy if I do say so myself. The clumsiness only takes away from my new found swag slightly.
                      You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


                        I have it and it has gotten worse over the years. In my case I attribute it to MS as I'm also hyper-reflexive when they do the neuro tests on my limbs.
                        He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

