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Neurologists not as smart as brain surgeons vent pt3

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    Neurologists not as smart as brain surgeons vent pt3

    The neurosurgeon was the only one who treated me like a normal, intelligent person, not a poor sad victim.

    He understood my plaintive "What's the point of fixing the aneurysm? Wouldn't it be better to go out with a bang, than wind up completely stuffed with MS?"

    Told me to pull myself together, swore a bit, in a nice way and said, "What if you died and the next day they found a cure?"
    "I wouldn't know, though, would I, so I wouldn't be worried," I said.
    He laughed.

    So, anyway I'll take the Copaxone, get the aneurysm re-coiled and gamely struggle on.

    It's still down as RR, BigA, probably so I can have more Copaxone. Not feeling very RR, I'd have to say.

    Thanks for the great ROF-LOL!.!.!

    Best wishes on your re-coiling....Thinkimjob.

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


      Originally posted by Thinkimjob View Post
      He understood my plaintive "What's the point of fixing the aneurysm? Wouldn't it be better to go out with a bang, than wind up completely stuffed with MS?"

      Told me to pull myself together, swore a bit, in a nice way and said, "What if you died and the next day they found a cure?"
      "I wouldn't know, though, would I, so I wouldn't be worried," I said.
      He laughed.
      I love this!

      Since I'm sure my luck isn't good enough to go by a quick cardiovascular incident I'm really hoping for cancer at some point. People don't understand.
      He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


        Is it universal then to be talked down to by neurologists?


          My Neuro tends to talk to me like I am uneducated about this.
          Other than that, he is ok, and I get what I want from him.
          The meeting with him every 6 months really doesn't do much.


            What really annoyed me about the neurologists was the only thing they seemed to care about was getting me on 'their' drug.
            And maybe I don't need to be on either drug because the MRI shows barely any change in six years, so Copaxone must be working or my luck must be holding.
            Apparently they want reasonably healthy people on their trials (ha) so their results on progression look better.
            Campath is (having had time to google) hard core. 25% of people on it get Graves Disease, which is treatable but no fun at all. Strangely enough, the MS woman didn't mention that.
            Tysabri sounds quite nice by comparison.
            "We're still experimenting. We don't really know what works," said $400 a visit neurologist.

            No kidding.

            As I recall, God gave Job everything he had lost back in spades. (How that really worked when it was a new wife and some more children, I don't know. Not quite the same.)

            I'll stop going on now. Except to mention I have bronchitis, and when I cough I have to sit down, or I nearly fall over.
            Regards to all. Thank you.


              You are meant to be.....


              I really enjoy reading your posts even tho it saddens me to hear about your challenges. Lately, it seems you get slammed from every side.....I am grateful you take the time to share cuz it REALLY does help others...

              You have a great sense of humor and sometimes I envision the forum and the others in this thread.....all in a tavern like Cheers in our college days swapping stories .....can you imagine? Not having to talk about bizarre symptoms and our attempts to describe them in a foreign language to someone from a different sphere..... just sitting around the table laughing about the simple mundane things of life........Ahhhhhh.....wouldn't that be fun?

              While I know it is rough on you and your loved ones now, I want you to know that I firmly believe you were meant to exist just as you are unique, and you bring a smile to others who are in the deepest pit....

              Thank you for sharing....your emotions come from an inner sensitive place...but your comments reveal a strength that shines through.

              Your nick name says it all......u really ARE like Job...and like him, you provide others lessons from your experience...

              Truly, I am sorry for what you are going through....wish I could lessen your load....please keep posting....

              I feel it a privilege to have "met" you......


                Thank you, New normal. That was really kind, and cheered me up.

