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Multiple aches in the morning.

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    Multiple aches in the morning.

    When I wake up in the morning and try to get out of bed, my lower back hurts extremely bad, my legs ache and its hard to walk and the bottom of my feel hurts as if I'm walking on pebbles.

    Does anyone experience this and what are you taking to help the the aches?

    I've not experienced that..hope you get some relief soon!
    Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


      I hear you! The soles of my feet feel like the recipients of
      some ancient form of they've been severely
      pummeled with bamboo sticks. Uncle already!

      So I got some of those "Happy Feet" otc orthotics; combined
      with Dr. Scholls Sport Gel insoles; all housed inside some
      cushioned running shoes. It's considered illegal
      to combine insoles and orthotics by the Foot Police, but
      hey, what ever works, right!

      As for both the low back and feet, try some Biofreeze.
      You can get it thru Amazon, w/ free shipping. What's not to
      like, huh?

      Lace up the shoes first thing. I use to have a rule: no shoes
      in the house! (small kids). Now, for me, they're mandatory.

      Hope you find some relief.

      "I'm not limping!! I'm just favoring each leg differently!!"


        Wow, I was just going to gripe about this. I hate hate hate this damn disease!!!!! I just want to be at least half the person I use to be.
        I felt like crap yesterday, went to bed at 5pm hoping to feel better this morning and no luck. What the ****!!!!!

        Sorry just one of those few days when it really pisses me off.
        REBIF 1 YEAR


          achey too!

          I feel the same way. I want to get up, know how much it's going to hurt, but also know the longer I stay the more it will hurt. I take my meds before my feet hit the floor, then get moving. I actually hurt all day and keep taking gabapentin & baclofen & can manage most of the day. I had to retire early due to MS so if I over do it I can lay down.

          Hope you find what helps you.


            multiple aches

            Hi Lilstep---
            I was just posting and saw your thread......all the while thinking legs hurt, my lower back hurts and getting moving in the morning ( especially after shot night) is tough !!!
            Feel your misery but so far I just try to get going .......not taking anything for it.....although sometimes Advil does help a little (especially after shot night)
            Cup of coffee and the paper and stretching come next !
            Can't wait to read the replies you get !
            Hope your day gets better !


              achey too!

              I feel the same way. I want to get up, know how much it's going to hurt, but also know the longer I stay the more it will hurt. I take my meds before my feet hit the floor, then get moving. I actually hurt all day and keep taking gabapentin & baclofen & can manage most of the day. I had to retire early due to MS so if I over do it I can lay down.

              Hope you find what helps you.


                Sorry you are having such pain and stiffness. But not everything is MS. Have you had your lumbar spine checked out by an Orthopedic? Radiculpathy, is pain from Sciatic nerve runing from lower spine, buttocks/hips down legs to bottom of feet. I see Orthopedic first to rule in/out back legs pains and now neck issues from neuro issues. They are really good at deciphering whether it is ortho or neurological. For me it is both.

                I have both issues and my lumbar spinal stenosis is very painful and so I take RX Diclofenac, an stronger anti-inflammatory, along with my RX Baclofen for
                spasticity (MS). PT and stretching helps too.

                Go get checked out, is what I suggest.
                Hope you get relief soon!!

                I believe in miracles~!
                2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                  I hear you!

                  I was never a fan of mornings pre-diagnosis and MS has only made it worse! I hope you are able to find something that eases the aches (and if you do, please share!)

                  Have you ever woken up with your hands hurting? That seems to be my "newest" achy symptom. Apparently I'm clenching my hands all night!


                    Thanks for the replies.

                    I'm really not sure but I think I have been in a flare.

                    I hadn't called my neuro about what I have been experiencing regarding my aches and pains, but I did call her regarding my motion sickness. She prescribe prednisone and low and behold it has help with both.

                    The only thing I didn't understand is when I called the neuro to tell them about my motion sickness, the assistant called me back and told me she had prescribed prednisone for me, but didn't tell me if she thought I was in a flare.

                    Oh well, whatever works. Right???? I guess I just assume that I am in a flare.


                      When I have pain like that Flexoril and Naproxen help. You might talk to your neuro about a muscle relaxant and strong pain reliever to help you.

                      This really is a horrible thing, mostly because it's different every day .
                      Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

                      "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


                        Lilstep: Do u really think you need the steriod? I remember feeling like you (whatever works!) but have realized the steriods have side-effects that you may not like. I don't take them unless I abesolutely have to. May cause damage to muscles and joints.

                        stretching is working for me...maybe some yoga in the morning. (I do yoga for older's less stress for me)
                        Progressive Relapsing MS

