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Eyes shaky and rolling towards back of head

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    Eyes shaky and rolling towards back of head

    I thought this was just due to the severe stress going on in my life recently/still, or the relapse I suffered the week before the week/s from hell started but my eyes keep having strange symptoms. They keep randomly shaking back and forth and then rolling back in my head. I do get a very slight blurred vision right before I start getting these episodes, and have a history of optic migraines. I've never had this before though and it's scary and stops me in my tracks. Is this MS or something else?
    RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!

    What you're describing isn't optic migraine. It might be MS, it might be something else. No one on the Internet can possibly tell you what's causing yours. It is very scary. Have you called your neurologist?


      Not yet

      I haven't called yet. Sometimes I think he might think I'm crazy with these things. He said my MS is so strange and te first one he can't get under somewhat control. I'm at the point of giving up!
      RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


        If your eyes are jerking around. It is nystimatus It has to do with the brain and the inner ear. When old dogs get it. It is called vestibular disease or 'old dog syndrome' My dog has it. We are a pair stumbling down the street.
        You don't have to have MS to have it.
        It happened to me during my first attack.
        It's different than migraines and vertigo.
        Another pirated saying:
        Half of life is if.
        When today is bad, tomorrow is generally a better day.
        Dogs Rule!


          Originally posted by Mynamegoeshere1 View Post
          I'm at the point of giving up!
          The person to give up on is your neurologist, not yourself. Your neuro has you thinking that the problem is you, not him. It might take a bit of searching, and there may be nothing that can be done for your symptoms, but there are neuros out there who will properly work you up and help you live with an understanding of your condition -- from a position of information and strength, not helplessness and fear. Your neuro has already admitted he can't handle your case. That's your invitation to move on to another doc who is more qualified to help you.



            I went to my first appointment with the big MS doc in my area recently, but unfortunately, my dr did not fax all the info, mri's, labs, etc as requested so he could not be as accurate as he would have liked. I will call the new doc on Monday. I just don't know what he will be able to do if he still doesn't have the info. I suppose when I get an appt, whomever drives me could possibly bring me there to get copies of everything.

            You are always a breath of fresh air Redwings. And your comment snapped me back into reality. I have been so depressed about my MS being so uncontrolled and was ready to give up on life! I would never do that because of how it hurts others as I've had friends that took that route, but the thought had crossed my mind, as ashamed as I am to admit it.
            RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!

