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Motion sickness

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    Motion sickness

    Recently, I have been having motion sickness while riding in a car. When I was very young and up until the age of 12, I would always get sick riding in a car. But if I was in the front seat it didn't happen. I thought I out grew it, but now all of a sudden it has come back and it's even while riding in the front seat. However, I can be driving and feel just fine.

    Could this be some sort of flare happening? Should I let my neuro about this or is this just typical for MS?

    Vertigo & motion sickness are definitely a constant for my case, no fun whatsoever I also have problems in the car, any sudden turns or stops and I get sick.. There are meds that can help though! Phenergan works well for me, I've also been given meclazine, though that doesn't work as well for me there are quite a few people here on the boards who say it works very well for them. Another option, which I'll only use for long car trips, would be scopalomine patches, they sit right behind your ear for up to 3 days & work wonderfully for motion sickness. All of these meds have their own side effects though, so you'll just have to decide which one works best for you. Best of luck, and feel better soon it can be so hard to explain that you can't go on what would seem like an otherwise inconsequensial car trip because of the fear of getting sick in the car.

    I choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through.


      I would let your health care team know of this latest weirdness, undoubtedly. But, I think it is another of MS's funny little reminders.
      I noticed a similar feeling before I was dx'd, starting on my work sites, while I was working, 3or 4 years ago. I was ok when I drove the company truck and riding in the front seat but catching a short lift in the back was really tough. Then, I couldn't crawl under desks to hook up computer stuff without feeling unsteady. I didn't think of it as motion sickness just a little unsteady in the balance department. It turns out that this is a symptom of MS. For me, at least.


        Thanks for the replies. I contacted my neuro and she prescribes prednisone. Don't know if it will help yet, but hopefully it will. Thanks again.


          My motion sx has been better the past couple years, since formal Dx & starting Copaxone. For a while just looking up was a problem. Even when not looking up the best way I can describe it is being on a moving boat, yet I am on dry land.

          Things are better these days, my L-leg is stronger than it was and milder motion issues, but I still have to be careful with uneven ground/floors and especially down slopes.

          Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


            Is the prednisone because she thinks it is an actual flare ?

            I would always get nauseous in the backseat when I was younger, but never actually sick to my stomach. As I got older, riding in the front passnger seat was OK, and driving was OK. I have always gotten sick on airplanes and queasy on boats.

            Things changed about 10 years ago and I started getting queasy in the front passenger seat on some trips (but not all). I don't get queasy as the driver, but I get so exhausted if I drive all of the time on long trips. I chalked it up to getting older/hormones/body changing, etc. but now I think it is probably MS-related.

            I also now have dizzy problems bending over for long periods of time - such as if I am vacuuming or mopping or cleaning, or shopping lower shelves, or putting away groceries, etc.


              Natural stores or some grocery stores have all sorts of ginger products or maybe ginger root if you are a fan of asian foods - personally will take ginger any way it comes -- did you ever wonder why ginger ale is good for a sick stomach?? I used to get car sick if I tried to read, then I tried ginger tea, and it helped tremendously...... They give ginger to aid pregnant ladies, aid chemo treatment to help with nausea.......If natural works, would rather than more medicine!!!!!


                Meclazine is a common over the counter treatment for motion sickness. It works for me in the vertigo department. I can get out of bed now without the whole world spinning around me.


                  Thanks for all replies. Well, I started the prednisone and it seems to be working. But husband doesn't like me on it. He says it makes me irritable, restless and grouchy. I guess he is right. However, I've already started it and can not stop now. Well I have 3 more weeks to go and then if I continue to have symptoms, I will definitely try the ginger. Would rather be on somthing natural than not.

                  Thanks again everyone.

