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Pls help vanity weight ?

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    Pls help vanity weight ?

    Just reconnected with a friend from 46 year ago in HS. Due to numerous surgeries, lack of ability to excerise due to heat, lazyiness etc. etc. I have gained a hugh amount of weight. I will be seeing my friend in about a wk. She also has MS.

    I know this is vanity issue (a new experience for me which I don't like). How do I tell myself it just is what it is and not worry about the judgement or how can I lose 100 lbs by nexk week? lol

    I guess it's just she saw me last looking young, healthy and not old , ugly and broken.
    Thoughts about a funny line to break the tension for me?

    I suppose it's normal. Every time I find someone on Facebook from High School, I'm shocked to see they looked middle-aged.... Then I remember that *I* am middle aged.

    The chances of her having put on a few pounds, become old and wrinkled are also high. You're still you and you guys will know that in a few minutes while you discuss your bladders and what not

    Take it for what it is - a wonderful opportunity to share with someone you haven't seen in years. Don't make it any more or less. And stop talking negatively about yourself. I know it sounds true because it comes from inside, but you should make a point to stop negative self-talk.

    But you might decide that now is the time to begin to change your life and get healthy (but not diet - a lifestyle change).

    How about this for a line: "It's so wonderful to see you after all these years! How are you?"


      Tawanda's Tips for faking a shape...

      Hi there!

      Not sure if you're a guy or a gal, but either way, STAND UP STRAIGHT! Slouching really makes you look fatter...get someone to take a picture of you slouching and you standing with your shoulders back and you will see at least a 10 pound difference! Then there's dark colors, vertical stripes and the highest heels you can manage safely. Again, if you are female there are body slimmers and tummy control pantyhose if you are up for them.

      Additionally, for any group pictures, don't press your thighs down all the way down on the seat if you're sitting nor press your arms tightly against your body if they're heavy. Better yet, stand in the back and thrust your chin out right before the camera snaps to avoid the double chin effect. Keep hands relaxed and not balled up in a fist.

      If you have that much anxiety, you guys should email recent realistic pictures beforehand.

      One more Big A's post and HAVE FUN for Pete's sake!
      Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


        Wow, now that's some good advice. I too have the weight issue. I have family coming for my son's graduation tomorrow I just looked at myself in the mirror and ugggghhhh!!! I was on steroids for 3 weeks recently and that just made it worse. I was working out and exercising and wore myself out ended up with a flare-up. Now I am much weeker and heavier than ever. I have grown out of everything i used to wear. I am living the healthy food lifestyle but it's not working. Oh well I am going to keep trying and when I get my strength back I will start working out again.
        Love this website!!! We are not Alone!!!
        REBIF 1 YEAR


          Originally posted by BigA View Post
          I suppose it's normal. Every time I find someone on Facebook from High School, I'm shocked to see they looked middle-aged.... Then I remember that *I* am middle aged.
          This is so funny! I do the same thing even with celebrities. I'm not sure why I forget that I'm middle aged also, til I look in the mirror and am horrified.
          He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


            Regarding weightloss. I was unable to lose weight until I stopped eating any dairy. Or meat. Or anything fried.

            and replaced it with veggies.

            But not extra frozen asian stirfry mix, vegetarian meals (but no cheese) that taste wonderful.

            I do eat fish and bread and can drink. I enjoy my food and eat until I am full. I feel healthier than I ever have and I have a dump worth singing about every morning. I can get into slim clothes.

            If you're interested...


              ha ha, Jules. My husband will comment on celebrities not aging well, and I never say it but......we don't look as hot as we used to, either. LOL.
              Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.


                thanks for all the comments!!!

                I do get the I can't believe you are "that old" when people find out my age. However, that doesn't help the extra pounds. I appreciate all the clothing tips however these are the issues:
                can't wear shapewear due to heat issues

                can't wear heels due to about 17 surgeries including new knees and 5 spine surgeries

                can't excercise due to heat issues, I can just sit at the computer and become overheated even with the temp @ 68 degrees

                I don't really eat that much, however there is not much movement due to heat intolerance.

                I don't eat red meat, mostly veg & fruit but I do eat cheese. Will ck out your suggestion thanks so much

                Just walking the dogs 3=4 times a day over heats me and I have to lay down with ice packs on me and a floor fan blowing on me! drat



                  as long as you're doing all you can, you're doing all you can. So see what you can do while still taking your pleasures. I speak to people who know they're eating too much. Still, you might even feel more comfort and cooler with some weight loss. I saw people at the Gym today doing "Aqua Zumba". It looked like dancing in the pool. Maybe you could do something liket that and stay cool.

                  If people tell you you look young, then you already know that. You are who you are and even if you would like to be thinner, you're still fantastic. We all are. After getting MS, I decided to stop being self-critical.

                  Have fun and don't think about your weight so much.

