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    Anyone else always feel like they have just been to the dentist? My right side of my face has been numb for weeks and cannot feel my teeth. Just super annoying.

    Boy can I relate!

    Right-side facial numbness was among my very first sx. Yes; it super annoying!

    Hang In There!
    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's learning to dance in the rain!


      Please be cautious....

      I have had periods of time (day or two) when chewing became questionable due to biting my inner cheek or lips.

      Believe me, do that once or twice... hard to forget.



        Oh yes, the right side of my mouth feels like it does when the novacaine is wearing off but not quite worn off. Feels like I have a fat lip almost. I've had this on and off for a couple months now, more on lately than off. It is a bit annoying. Thankfully, I haven't bitten the inside of my cheek yet. Probably because it is more the corner of my mouth that is numb and not my main cheek.


          This started for me in August on the left side of my face just below my left eye down to my mouth to the middle of my nose/mouth. It's really weird to brush my teeth. I have a little more feeling now, but not much.
          Dx 12/2006; first symptoms about 1984, but maybe earlier--on Gilenya and Ampyra.

          "God has a lot of explaining to do"--Frida Kahlo


            I had a hard time describing the numb spots I have until I was leaving the dentist and realized that they are very much like how it feels with novocain--not when it's just been put in, but the part after the work is done, when you still can't quite feel the spot.

            On my fingers, I describe it more like there's a layer of glue over them. It's not *no* feeling, just much less sensation on the numb areas.

            At this point, I have numb spots all over my body. Some of them come and go, some are constant.
            Accepting reality is not the same as wanting to have a problem. It means accepting something that will be happening whether I want it or not.

