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Have MS sx Still UTI gone

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    Have MS sx Still UTI gone

    I still am walking with cane and have weak legs an arms , dizziness staggering when getting tired , pins n needles in hands . But I was retested my uti is gone . Can a UTI cause a real flare up ?

    This cane business is getting old quick I never have enough hands as is now it's even worse . Thanks for any responses Tammy
    A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails .

    I dont know if they really cause an ms flare up but i have a uti now and im having some sx, gotta go get some antibiotics today see what happens.


      Hi tambrown,

      It's not necessarily common to have an exacerbation caused by a UTI but it can happen.

      In previous posts you have stated you have not been diagnosed with MS. If you are working with a Neurologist this would be a good time to see him, while you are having problems.
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


        Originally posted by tambrown View Post
        I still am walking with cane and have weak legs an arms , dizziness staggering when getting tired , pins n needles in hands . But I was retested my uti is gone . Can a UTI cause a real flare up ?

        This cane business is getting old quick I never have enough hands as is now it's even worse . Thanks for any responses Tammy
        Sounds like your other symptoms may not be related to your UTI after all. I'd suggest waiting a bit more to give them plenty of time to subside, then talking to your neuro about the possibility you might be flaring and what to do about it. Get plenty of rest in the meantime!

        As for the cane, maybe you could get a rolling walker with a basket attached for carrying things? I gave up on my cane long ago, although it served me well for a long time.


          I've had a chicken and egg dilemma for years when it came to a few exacerbations and UTIs.

          I've had plenty of UTIs which caused pseudoexacerbations, but I've also had exacerbations that I'm sure caused UTIs.

          So when a UTI and a true exacerbation happen at the same time, I'm conflicted as which caused which.

          Hope you start to feel better soon.


            My experience, repeatedly, may be different than what others have stated. Although I am aware that UTI's can cause pseudo-exacerbations (real symptoms like an exacerbation, but, they go away when the trigger, such as an untreated UTI, is removed).

            However, for me, if I get a UTI, it has always -- I repeat, always -- caused a real flare that ends up with me on steroids, and, in the hospital, even if caught and treated early.

            My solution? I no longer get UTI's. I take a tsp of D-Mannose powder twice a day for UTI prevention. (I tried, in the past, cranberry pills, as many say they prevent UTI's, but they were not effective for me.) I use the NOW brand of D-Mannose powder. It is likely available, or could be special-ordered, by your local health food store. I get mine through; it's less expensive there.

            ~ Faith
            ~ Faith
            MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
            (now a Mimibug)

            Symptoms began in JAN02
            - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
            - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

            - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
            - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


              Originally posted by Mamabug View Post
              My solution? I no longer get UTI's. I take a tsp of D-Mannose powder twice a day for UTI prevention. (I tried, in the past, cranberry pills, as many say they prevent UTI's, but they were not effective for me.) I use the NOW brand of D-Mannose powder. It is likely available, or could be special-ordered, by your local health food store. I get mine through; it's less expensive there.

              ~ Faith
              I wish d-mannose worked for me that well. I also take it twice a day, but continue getting UTIs...but I've continued with it for almost a year because I figure maybe I'd get more if I didn't take it...and I take it more often during a UTI, even though I'm on antibiotics because it does seem to help with symptoms.

              I totally agree...NOW brand powder is best and cheapest on Amazon. It's about double the amazon price in our health food store.

