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Steroids And fatigue

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    Steroids And fatigue

    I understand that one's response to meds are completely individual, but has anyone become so fatigued on a steroid regime as to question their worth? (I'm definitely not cleaning my closets at 3 am).
    I was put on a tapering oral dosage-60,60,skip a day,50,50,etc. until 10 the last two days.

    Along with the fatigue, my sensory symptoms seem to be increasing. Does improvement come after the the steroids, or
    Should I call the Dr.? Thanks for your input, I'm 9 months since dx and still finding my way through this fog.



    You seem like me

    I just got done with a 3day IV treatment and my MRI is still bright. So now I'm doing the 10 day taper of pills. I have done a few rounds of steroids and I get very...very tired on them. Like I need to find my pillow and I need it now!

    I asked my Neuro about it in the begining of my DX and was told that its not a common response but nothing to be alarmed about either. Think of it like this MS we all have, everyone is different.

    My bones and muscles also feel like I've been run ovr by a MACK TRUCK...LOL However if you feel like you need to speak with your Doc then call. You need to feel good about what choices you make.

    I can't drive at night when I do steroids because the bright car lights affect my this like the sensory sx you ment?

    I hope it helps that you know your not the weird kid here we all are!!! HAAA

    DX 10/10, JCV postitive by a lot (said Nuero lol), Betaerson, Gilenya, Tecifidera, Aubagio now on Ocerevus


      I had 3 days of IV steroids 8 years ago and I couldn't sleep at all! I had to take a xanex to get 2 hours of sleep. I was awake and full of energy, I lived with my mom at the time and her house was spotless by the end of my treatment. I just had another round a few weeks ago and I was the total oppisite, I could have slept all night and day. I guess it just depends on your body reaction and it can be different every time. Good luck!


        I had a 5 day IV steroid last week and am now on the pills (60 mg a day for 10 days then 1 less pill a day until gone) and am VERY tired. So you are not alone there. I do have some moments of energy, but that is followed very quickly by the feeling that I have to work to stay sitting up. Kind of feels drunk without being drunk is the only way I can explain it. I am hoping that in another week or so I will shake this tiredness/weakness/the thought climbing the stairs makes me want to cry. I have hope that it will get better.


          yes and no.

          i was dxd at 13. and before i was 19-20ish, roids would make it so i couldn't sleep well the next night or so.( in addition to a ravenous hunger that only large amounts of pasta could fix. I was kinda scary how hungy a 100-110 lb girl could b. lol)

          so this wasn't too bad unless it was a 3-5 day course or i was on pulse steriods.(never ever doing pulse again)

          so no they do not case fatigue directly, but they did insomnia. insomnia caused the fatigue)
          Learn from yesterday
          Live for today
          Hope for tomorrow


            Thanks so much for the replies.It certainly helps to hear
            of other's experiences. I have read and researched MS extensively, yet it seems the more I read the less I know.
            (Yup,I know that doesn't make any sense but I bet you all know what it means anyhow.)


