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Curious about something new

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    Curious about something new

    Maybe Redwings or anyone else would have a clue?

    Blurred vision has been on the increase lately, along with stars, static pinpoints of black, and now these big blotches of blue here and there.

    It's similar to looking away after a glare hits your eyes, then there is a blotch for some time while your eyes readjust. The only thing, this happens when inside without a previous bright light exposure.

    Is there a term for this and might it be time for another consult?
    It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.

    I think any new symptoms in the eyes are a definate reason to see the doctor immediately.


      Sounds like what happens to me when I am having a migraine. I don't have pain with mine and I always know when one is starting because I see shooting stars in the very beginning.
      I get nice little light shows through it and tend to lose my peripheral vision for a while along with pressure in my head.
      I went to my Dr immediately when my first one happened and he got me on meds right away.
      I would agree that you do need to see your Dr about it right away.
      DX 10/26/11


        That blotch description, like when a flash goes off in your eyes, or you are out in the too-bright sun---that's what my ocular migraines are like. They last about 20-30 minutes.


          Oh. Okay. Mine weren't hanging on, just showing up for a brief moment like the stars. It's like I was getting blobs instead of stars. They're gone now. It went on for 3 or 4 days and now back to the stars, which have been coming daily for a couple of months at least. I'll keep it on the list to mention next followup.
          It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.

