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Neuro appt today

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    Neuro appt today

    Saw my neuro today for my 6 month check up today and got glowing reports from her. She is happy with my weight loss as well as how I am doing in comparison to last year.

    I love my doc, she listens, shoots the crap and never makes me feel rushed or like I am over-reacting to anything.

    However, towards the end of my appointment with her she told me she is moving out of Texas. I am heart broken to know that she will no longer be looking after me and my progress. So now I am having to contemplate a new neuro specialist. You would think in a big city like Dallas there would be a lot of doctors who specialize in MS, but noooo.. I think there are maybe 5 or 6 total.

    I am looking for referrals for a Neuro who is a specialist in MS in the DFW area.. or if need be in Austin, Houston or Oklahoma.

    I value any suggestions anyone can make.

    Hi tracelyn my neuro from Milwaukee said there is a huge MS clinic in downtown Houston that is one of the largest and best clinics in the USA. We are going to move to Houston, once our farm sells!?!! So knowing about this clinic has been important to me. Hope it helps you a bit too


      Are you able to go to the Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Cetner of Dallas associated with Baylor? My SIL is doing her residency at Baylor Dallas for pathology and speaks highly of it.

      Good luck, I truly hope you are bale to replace such a wonderful doc.


        I am currently being seen at UTSW's MS Clinical program.

        Right now they are short doctors and I am concerned about them having a doc to see me vs always seeing a NLP. I have no problems with them, but I do want to be seen by the Neuro every so often.

        I am concerned that the same situation will be present at Baylors program.

        I suppose that is possible everywhere I go.


          Tracelyn, I have been told by friends in the medical community that Baylor is one of the top medical schools in the US so I now look for docs associated w/Baylor. If I were in your shoes I'd go to Baylor (is the stress of travel & the gas $$ worth it?).

          That being said ... c'mon down to Houston, to Maxine Messinger MS Clinic but you'll probably see a PA most of the time. They are down to 1 neuro for the clinic since Dr R retired last fall.

          I started with Dr R but when I had my appts w/him I saw a string of students (residents?) before he came in the room for 5 min.

          I now see Dr H, or rather his PA. I really like her, feel I am getting more personalized care & more time from her than I did from the students. I have my 1st appt w/him later this summer so we'll see how that goes, but I've heard nothing but good about him.
          DX 10/2008
          Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
          Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
          Aubagio 01/18-09/20

          Ocrevus 09/20-present

