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    Have PPMS and I am 65. How is anyone else turning over in bed at night? Shoulder hurts, knee hurts, thigh hurts, so I want to change position and roll over.

    Cripe, first lie on back, lift knees up (left on its own, right by pulling on PJ leg) feet flat on mattress, push with feet and move butt 1 inch at a time and back too, pull PJ top back in shape. Finally get about 3 feet over (live alone so have queen bed by myself) then flop over by pushing with one foot and arm and sometimes grabbing the edge of the bed.

    What does anyone else do? I know there are things that hang from the ceiling. My bed rail doesn't help me - I haven't enough strenth.


    Originally posted by anneth121 View Post
    Have PPMS and I am 65. How is anyone else turning over in bed at night? Shoulder hurts, knee hurts, thigh hurts, so I want to change position and roll over.

    Cripe, first lie on back, lift knees up (left on its own, right by pulling on PJ leg) feet flat on mattress, push with feet and move butt 1 inch at a time and back too, pull PJ top back in shape. Finally get about 3 feet over (live alone so have queen bed by myself) then flop over by pushing with one foot and arm and sometimes grabbing the edge of the bed.

    What does anyone else do? I know there are things that hang from the ceiling. My bed rail doesn't help me - I haven't enough strenth.

    I was going to suggest the bed rail, but you've already tried that.

    I use strategically placed pillows at night when I go to sleep, and they seem to help when I want to change positions. I put one under my knees so my legs are bent and fall asleep on my back. When I want to roll over I reach down and pull the pillow that was under my knees in between my knees and it helps me turn. I have to make two or three small moves with my upper body then...but I'm over rather easily. Used to have more problems, but since I have my pump my legs seem to move much more easily in bed and out of bed.

    Maybe a trapeze would work better if you have upper body strength. But I looked them up and they look you could bump your head on them. But I've often seen the pole and it always looks like a nice piece of equipment and this pictures one with a trapeze attached.

    Also, have you every seen those bed ropes (sometimes they have bed ladders, but the rope might work better in your case, I'm thinking putting it on the side of the bed, not on the bottom, in order to help you turn over, since you don't need it to sit up...I'll post links.)

    Hope you find something that works

