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Age at diagnosis

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    I guess I come in second, at 56, but didn't start getting symptoms until I was around 53-54, which puts me in first, I think!

    I saw a neuro for some very mild shakiness in my hands when 53, which I thought might be the beginnings of Parkinson's. Neuro did some tests which were negative and sent me on my way, appearing to think I was wasting his time.

    It got a bit worse so I mentioned it to a social friend who is a neuro, and he told me to stop fish oil and stop Coke Zero, and was not otherwise concerned.

    Started getting some prickly sensations in my chest last September and decided to go to the ER. That is where they found a big foggy patch of white brain matter where there should be gray matter. No leasons, just fogginess, and the spinal tap was normal.

    I took the radiologist's report and MRI scan to my friend the neuro last November. At first he gave the standard exam, read the report, and didn't appear to be concerned in the least and almost dismissive. Then we looked at the scans, and his attitude immediately changed. We did a couple of tests and he decided it was mild MS and got me on Solumedrol and Betaserone when my symtoms quickly got worse (but still mild).

    The only thing I can think of that might have hinted at MS before age 53 was I had the prickly feelings maybe 10 years ago for a while, and it was that same time period I developed tinnitus. Coincidence?

    But, even at 57, my symtoms remain mild, though I hear people, especially males, who get this later in life often progress quickly. I have gone to a better diet and have a cabinet full of vitamins and other things said to be good for MS, and had CCSVI in March (have not noted any improvements, but neither have I progressed much).


      FORMAL RRMS Dx at age 64.......

      First Sx, L'Hermities since age 14, also unable to play sports etc since age 12. Had repeated problems during high school and developed MS related diplopia at age 18. I had been hospitalized at ages 14 and 15, lots of tests etc, Problem back then, there was NOTHING that could be done, except treating Sx, doc back them probably knew. There were things docs/staff said/told to me that in retrospect make sense now, but did not back then.

      About age 40 I went thru Vocational Rehab, but my neuro issues were blamed on my being diabetic. Age 42 I complained so much to the VA that something "ELSE" was wrong, they sent me to their shrinks. The psych docs said I was not nuts, not even depressed, just "adamant" something else was wrong. At that point I GAVE UP seeking help or answers.

      I had problems that came and went a lot over the decades.

      Then in 2009 BINGO! A new eye doc noted my diplopia was neuro muscular and did NOT fit my documented med history and also opened the MS can of worms. As soon as my fam doc got the word he called me in for a MS talk, helped press for me to get the MS formally investigated. Four neuros, 3 Neuro clinics and Less than 6mo later FORMAL Dx at the same VA facility that had sent me to the all-in-your-head shirks decades earlier.

      The whole story is much more complicated but this is the main points.

      Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


        40, but I had my first major attack at 38 (and a half) ...It took about a good year and a half to recover. Had 2nd attack in Jan 2010 - diagnosed then. It lasted a couple of months...have had little things since, but not too bad. I started Avonex in March of 2011.


          At 30, I knew something was not right. Dx w/ RRMS at 36 after an attack that lasted a month and a half of double vision.

          Had to quit work at 51 and have progressed to SPMS. Still not used to not going to work everyday... walking like Herman know, MS is the gift that keeps on giving.


            I was dx @ 46.

            Had sx for over 20 years.

            4 mri's and 2 lp.

            Now I understand what was going on but not happy about it.

            I think it just depends on the docs.
            REBIF 1 YEAR


              Dx at age 40, I'm 46 now (I turn 47 tomorrow) but technically I'm still 46!
              RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
              "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                Dx May 2008 age 46. However I have felt something was going on since teenage years.


                  Dx January of 2012 at age 46. This has not been a banner year.....
                  Sapphire's Gold - If I can't be graceful, at least I'll be entertaining.


                    Dx'd at 31 symptoms from the time I was 18. Dx'd in Nov 2005

                    (It was an MRI for intractable migraines that brought MS into the picture - a year after that MRI I had Trigeminal Neuraligia pretty bad - and that tipped the scales to MS. My LP was clear)


                      Dx September 6, 2011 PPMS age 43, sudden onset after infection. But suspect mild symptoms going back 8-9 years.
                      I don't fall, the floor attacks me. The corner of the bed is in on it too.


                        DX 29 - symptoms at 27 - 36 now.
                        There are no problems, only solutions. - John Lennon



                          Diagnosed at 35 will be 38 in a couple of months. I think that I have had MS since I was a small child. I have always had bouts of vertigo and prickly skin crawling sensations since I had severe pneumonia at age 5.
                          LIVE LOVE LAUGH


                            Started at 17, diag. at 21

                            Hi babe,

                            I had my first MS symptom of Diplopia at 17 and was finally diagnosed at 21.
                            Still doing good tho - working full time at 43 albeit in a sit down job and dont have the "gym figure" I used to have.


                              I was 62. All the tests and MRIs were pretty convincing (11lesions on the brain and two on the spine). I had two "opinions"; the latest from my new nero at The Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA.

                              Fifteen years ago there didn't exist some of the tests (and knowledgable docs) that are now available. I think a good number of us can attribute late onset DX to that.

                              When I look back 15-20 years, I had SX, but just blew them off as maybe too much of the grape the night before.

                              The MS is progressing....slowly...but still progressing. Damn this disease!!!!!
                              "Tona Naze"
                              Symptoms for six years plus. Dx RRMS September 2011. Drugs??? Nope!!!


                                Originally posted by DancingOnTheEdge13 View Post
                                At 30, I knew something was not right. Dx w/ RRMS at 36 after an attack that lasted a month and a half of double vision.

                                Had to quit work at 51 and have progressed to SPMS. Still not used to not going to work everyday... walking like Herman know, MS is the gift that keeps on giving.
                                Dancingontheedge13, may I ask you a question about the double vision? I have had it since April 5th. It is was led to them even thinking something was wrong and the dx.
                                Does yours come back with each attack and how is it effecting you in SP? I have terrible vision ( though correctable) so this just salt in that womb.

                                Thanks for the help.

                                Dx 29

