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Hepatitis B vaccine

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    Hepatitis B vaccine

    I am required to get this series for my internships. i have been doing the research on the shot series and it seems that even though its not a live vaccine, there is quite a bit of controversy about the hep B vaccine causing MS. i'm not convinced one way or another about that, but i wanted to hear some opinions as to whether i should be concerned about a flare or other consequences from the shot. has anyone gotten this vaccine? care to share your experience? thanks.
    dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11

    Years ago there was a group of British scientists who thought they had found a link between the Hep B vaccine and MS. Here's an abstract of one of those studies:

    Since then that link has been discounted. Yet, there are anecdotal incidences of people reporting MS diagnosis following the Hep B being one of them. Do I believe it caused my MS...nope...could it have triggered some symptoms that led to my diagnosis, maybe. Here's a thread I dug up on the discussion on this board.


      Funny, when I started back to work almost 5 years ago at a local hospital, I decided that I didn't want to get the Hep B vaccine because I have several members in my family who have MS and I had read an article about that study. So I didn't get the vaccine (signed a waiver), but got MS anyway... go figure.


        I had the Hepatitis B series for work, and even a "booster" 6 years later when I took a new job and the hepatitis B titer was low.

        I never had any problems with the vaccine.

        I wonder if the suspected linkage relates just to timing. MS is commonly diagnosed in the 20's and that is the same time many people start their careers and if the career is in a health-related field, you will be asked to have the Hepatitis B vaccine.


          There has been several proven cases that have gone before the vaccine courts where people have contacted MS from HEP B shot.

          here is one such case

          on that first paragraph is a link to download teh PDF court file.

          other info worth reading

          A French court found that hepatitis B vaccine was the cause of multiple sclerosis (source:SOURCE

          "British Firm to Compensate Two French Multiple Sclerosis Victims"

