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nausea, anyone?

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    nausea, anyone?

    Does anyone have a complaint of nausea for several days that cannot be attributed to anything else?
    I am have SPMS, and heat will cause nausea quite easily. Esp. internal heat from any type of 'exercise' I dare try.
    But this time I have not done any of that, am in the a/c with outside temps in 70s...
    I have felt nauseous x 3d and have not had any other symptoms....
    I plan to call my neuro guy tomorrow, although I'm not expecting much. Nausea can be symptom of so many things, it is difficult for dr.s to pinpoint. Heat has always been the origin of mine inthe past, but this time, I'm confused.........
    Can you guys help????
    Thanks in advance!

    My nausea (I think) is from other symptoms.

    My MSHUG was seemingly cutting off circulation to my belly and the top part of my stomache seemed to b getting strangled - nauseating.

    My left eye goes in and out of focus black spots and pain with headahces off and on - nauseating.

    My dizziness, alone or from the other symtomps above - nauseating.

    This isn't a fun ride - how do I get off?

    Symptoms come and go anywhere from 30 mins came and went to hours or days.

    I don't think this is helping you, but maybe if theres another symptom causing the symptom of nausea, you can try to help that symptom.


      ...try changing diet or eating habits perhaps? I already posted a list of my own nauseating symptoms except that one which I am always trying t fix my stomache. I am always trying to find comfort/ comfortng things to help for myself, just have to experiment a little.


        I've had nausea and vomiting for three months now. Lost 15 pounds and no one seems to care. Ugh!


          Oh rebah, I know exactly how you feel.

          I was very recently diagnosed RRMS after years of chasing a diagnosis for unexplained debilitating nausea. I was diagnosed with classic migraines, abdominal migraines, depression, and hypo-thyroidism but nothing that eliminated the nausea.

          Over the years, I came to care less about what was causing my symptoms and more about finding medication that helped control them.

          At my first appt, my neuro told me that the world had required something stronger than phenergan (which was the only thing my loveable GP had ever given me). He wrote me a Rx for Zofran that melts under your tongue. Because it doesn't have to be digested and cross your liver, it takes effect much sooner. He also gave me a Rx for trans-dermal Scopalomine, also known as the motion-sickness patch worn behind your ear for 3 days at a time.

          Together, these two medications are saving my sanity. I hope your Neuro finds a solution for you! Please let us know how you are doing.....
          Dx 3/4/12. Tec X 2 as of 7/7/13
          Weebles wobble and occasionally they DO fall down!



            Yep. Ugh.. Sudden sever nausea came on last Sunday. Dizzy, shakes, hot, feverish, sore fatigue, light headed, shortness of breath.. I could never vomit so it was weird. Came again the next night. Went to doc next day.. Attributed to a viral stomach issue.. She gave me anti-nausea pills.. So, like all week the feeling comes and goes..

            But, vision is off today, just don't feel right. Gotta be some relapse.. sigh..


              omgosh can someone help? This is me me me

              Years of nausea, tests, thought ulcer, nope, cancer of oesophagus, nope. Every test under the sun comes back negative. Final Diagnosis Dyspepsia and need to just live with it. I feel I'm being slowly tortured and really wish my time here on earth was over. I do not want this slow death. I'm so sad right now. It hits me every single night prior to falling asleep and even when I'm sound asleep. I have determined that as my stomach is emptied, I think I have too much acid and my sphincter muscle at the esopheogus is loose? So when I lay down, guess what comes back to haunt me?

              Anyone out there please help???


                During a flare I have nausea...I don't throw up, just don't feel like eating because of it.

                I literally have to force myself to eat, because if I did what my stomach was telling me, I'd could easily forget about food.

                Also, nausea can accompany a UTI...and sometimes we (MSers) can have a UTI and not have normal symptoms.


                  Yeap! Have been in a flare for the last 2 months and have had the nausea to go with it. If your anything like me you try to blame it on anything BUT MS.

                  This nausea is not the same nausea you feel when you have some type of stomach virus or something you ate doesn't agree with you.

                  Mine has started to subside along with the other symptoms I was having in this flare. I have also read that nausea IS a Ms symptom. If we really think about it,WE actually wrote and are still writing the book on some of the symptoms of MS. Without us how would they know.

                  Just my 2 cents.

                  Hope you start feeling better!
                  God Bless!


                    Nausea can be a sign your liver is malfunctioning, especially if you're taking any meds that adversely affect the liver. Have you had your liver enzymes checked lately?

                    I have occasional bouts of nausea without vomiting. No cause has been found.


                      One of my neurologist's said that my MS wouldn't cause me to be nauseated. Thank goodness I found this forum to find out that it does and that I'm not alone. Mine is worse in the mornings and just makes it tough to get going.


                        I was having dizzy spouts about 3 months ago it went away and today its back and it brought it buddy nausea with it . I want to lay down but I'm at work (double)
                        Ankylosing Spondylitis DX- Sept 2008, MS DX- November 2011,RRMS- 1-11-12, Copaxone -3-2-12



                          I also asked my neuro doc if nausea is a symptom and he said talk to your primary. I just feel like these doctors dont care.


                            What fixed my nausea is marijuana. 100% gone.

