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    I am seriously thinking about getting my first tattoo, a small simple bicycle outline on the rear of my calf-so riders behind me can see it, i ride 3000+miles a year. I am 28 and have fairly minimal rrms and my wife asked if it might trigger a flair. Curious on the members thoughts...

    I got a tattoo after I was dxd last summer. It was my fourth. No problems at all

    If you are worried, run it by your doc jut to get their opinion.

    Also, make sure the artist has a clean shop

    Have fun!
    dxd RRMS 7/2011 - Rebif 8/2011 - Tecfidera 7/2013


      Congrata on your 3000 a year



        I have several, all done after my diagnosis. None of them caused any problems. Go for it!!


          I am not into tatto but Bravo for the 3000 miles.!!
          I do about the same and love it.


            i have 5...1 after my problems!


              I had two new tattoos within a few months of my diagnosis. Never triggered anything and oddly I was actually doing much better. Go for it but as others have said if you still are concerned run it by a doctor first. Congrats on the mileage though!
              Dx RR MS - April 1st, 2010. (19 yrs old)
              Words To Live By: "Fall Seven Times; Stand Up Eight."


                I have tattoos also.
                Got them before my DX but was having symptoms, so I had MS at the time.
                I had no problems whatsoever.
                I say go for it!
                DX 10/26/11


                  I never had any flare-ups after mine, so I say go for it as well!

                  Congrats to you!


                    Got my first tattoo at 60 and another at 65. Never a problem. Although I had not been formally dxd for the first one we now know that I have had MS for many years prior to that.

                    So I say - Go for it! and keep on biking!

                    dxd August 2011 at age of 65


                      For me tat was dangerous / important info. Ca.

                      Two years after my dx and twenty years of symptoms I got three tats. No problem with the first or last one. The one in the middle caused a lot of concern.

                      The middle one I decided to use some color instead of the traditional black / blue. Within a month I got raised bumps but only in the areas of red dye. One of them kept getting larger than the others. Finally it started to fester. I finally went to the Doc.

                      Turns out the red dye contains a small amount of mercury. The Docs, (I was invited to a conference of Plastic surgeons and Dermatologists in a "Can you guess what this is? , contest.) Only one Doc won. !!!

                      They couldn't determine if it was an allergic reaction or due to my immune status from the MS. I doubted the allergy thing as when I was a child and before we knew mercury could be lethal I used have a five-pound bottle that I used to play with with no reactions.

                      Turns out that what ever it was -- the biopsy showed squamous cell cancer !

                      Now before you react. I have talked to a lot of other people who have red dye in their tattoos and experienced no problem. A few were people with MS. S0... who knows? I had to have the main lesion surgically removed.

                      The only funny part about all of this, if you're still reading, was that I complained to the surgeon about how "messed-up my tat was going to be. It was a very detailed tattoo. He smiled and slid up the sleeve of his surgical gown. He had a tribal sleeve tat. His comment was that he (was) "very good at his job and cut only along the dotted lines.

                      The outcome of this is no one can tell I had surgery and my tat is a beautiful as ever. Once the main lesion was gone the others disappeared. So now I have my health scare over and my health except for the "my MS companion."

                      Caution with the color red.
                      Dave - Tampa, Florida


                        go for it

                        I have been getting tattoo's for the last 20 years. All of mine are color. I have never had a problem after getting a tattoo since having MS and didnt before I knew either.

                        I always drink lots of water the day before and day of and plan to be able to rest the majority of the rest of the day depending on how many hours I go.

                        Good luck to you hope it turns out awesome. And congrats to all the miles you have ridden you are an inspiration to us all.
                        LIVE LOVE LAUGH


                          I don't have tattoo on my body because I know it's a temporary fashion, After some time if you want to remove that tattoo it will be very painful and expensive. So, in future whenever you will go for a tattoo removal treatment just use the laser treatment because it is the best.


                            I am so happy to hear that there haven't been flareups caused by getting a tattoo. My husband and I are wanting to get our fourth ones in the near future so to hear that it probably won't cause a flare makes me happy.


                              My tatoo's reflect the journey of my life.
                              #1. A butterfly on my back when I was 19, shortly after my Mother's suicide...for me I hope she found the freedom in death that she never could with life.
                              #2. A butterfly on my chest, outlined with only portions colored in...for me to leave an extremely violent marriage (with two little ones in tow). An abused child grew to an abused woman, I knew I wasn't healed or whole.
                              #3. An armband of small black butterflies, outlined in turquoise and purple...6 yrs. of continued courtdates for aforementioned abuse (eventually convicted of aggravated arson-pled down from attempted murder).
                              #4. A tiger's face in the outline of a butterfly, with my children's initials at the edge of each wing (permission asked) remind myself never again would a man punch me, or kick me or violate me. NEVER AGAIN.
                              #5. A half-sleeve from wrist to elbow, my design, of a vine with gentle leaves, curling tendrils, blossoming flowers and of course, butterflies. It's been a long home.

                              I consider none of them temporary or a fashion statement. They are me.


