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First Total MS fall

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    First Total MS fall

    Well it finally happened. My body toppled to the left and there was nothing I could grab a hold of to stop me from falling. I have always been able to catch myself and never went into a full fall.
    I was simply walking across my bedroom last night and suddenly without any warning I was falling to my left, and falling fast, but yet it seemed like it was all in slow motion.

    I fell into my vanity and my weight set. I was going face first into the edge of my vanity and was simply trying to save my face and teeth from the impact. I succeeded, thank goodness.
    I am scraped up and very bruised along my left arm and my left leg,every muscle in my body is very sore today, and I am hoping I didn't knock my hip out of whack because it has been hurting some.

    I was home alone and was praying that I didn't get hurt badly.
    After I had a good cry, quick pity party for myself, and then a good butt chewing to myself, I brushed myself off and got ready for work.

    This is a scary event that I hope I do not repeat any time in the near future.
    DX 10/26/11

    I'm sorry, that must have really scared you.

    No matter how much I tell myself to go slow and pick up my feet sometimes I stumble and mostly catch myself. Mostly.

    It happens. For me it hasn't been a sign I am getting worse or anything, it just happens. The best thing to do is to try to not have obstacles on the floor or loose rugs. Putting something on sharp edges is a good idea too.

    I hope that your soreness is just soreness and goes away quickly.
    I don't fall, the floor attacks me. The corner of the bed is in on it too.


      Wow, that must have been scary! I'm glad you didn't get hurt.

      I spend most of my days ignoring the fact that I have MS. What little level of daily SX's I have have been around for so long I don't think about it. Every once in a while some thing will happen that serves an unpleasant reminder that I have this ****** disease. Those times suck

      At weddings, my Aunts would poke me in the ribs and cackle "You're next!". They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals. Dave Barry


        Man, I hope you feel better!

        I fell once, really hard, during my first and only relapse so far. I couldn't walk (right leg was paralyzed) so my husband leaned me against the counter so I could wash my hands. He turned for just a quick second and then slowly I started to fall. It felt like I was in slow motion. I couldn't grab anything quick enough and hit the ground hard, saving my head (trying to keep the lesions as the only damage to my head ha ha).

        It was one of those things that scared the pants off me, hurt, but made me laugh just because of the situation (and I wasn't badly hurt). My husbands face was horrified, but I was okay.

        Pretty sure my ego was more bruised than anything else. Maybe my butt too, but I have plenty of padding.

        Ice and tylenol!

        dxd RRMS 7/2011 - Rebif 8/2011 - Tecfidera 7/2013


          Ouch yes totally scary, been there. Glad you got lucky and did not get hurt but yes just as scary whether one gets hurt or not.


            So sorry about the fall, I sure do sympathize and know how sore you can be afterward.

            My DH thought he was doing me a favor paste waxing our hardwood floor I took a huge fall on it A week later fell on the ice going to the mailbox. I was lucky, no serious injuries.

            I am a big believer in using icepacks for the injuries, 20 minutes a few times a day.

            Hope you recover quickly!


              A bruised ego is easy to recover from. Falls? I've fallen for my entire life. As a former teacher, I've fallen in front of a study hall, in front of my classroom, in front of the principal and superintendent. I've fallen a few times on the sidewalk while walking my dog, in the middle of a small street on a beautiful autumn day, in my foyer, bedroom, and in the middle of an outdoor marketplace.

              I thought I was just a little clumsy until 2004 when I was diagnosed with RRMS.

              I've learned it's not how many times you fall, rather how well you fall. Hope you sweetly rise up from any gentle fall you may have in the future. Remember everybody falls sometimes. Fall 100 times, rise up 101!!! Keep on keepin on!!!


                Been there done that

                Falls can be scary. I am glad you did not have any major injuries. I think it happens to a lot of us.

                I had gone a couple years with no falls until just a couple weeks ago. Oh I would stumble a lot but was always able to catch myself. Well a couple weeks ago while my husband was outside working in the yard I figured I would go help some. I was barely out of the garage walking across the driveway when I suddenly felt myself losing balance. Normally I would grasp something to hold on to but I was in the middle of the driveway with nothing around me. So down I went but it felt like slow motion. At first I put my hands out to break the fall but then I remembered the physical therapist says to try to tuck and roll. That helped tons, even though I fell hard on the concrete, I only had a scrape on one elbow and knee.


                  Thank you everyone.
                  I always read posts about people who have taken spills, and very bad ones at that, and always thought..."whew, I am glad I don't do that"
                  and thinking if I just take it slow that I will be ok and it will not happen to me.
                  Well I was moving slowly and it was like an invisible force suddenly just pushed me over. It was a total shock, I think I am still in shock thinking back and knowing how it just "BANG" happened and there was nothing I could do and was not ready for it.

                  Yes I have decided that making my house clutter free will be my main focus right now. I want nothing in my path anywhere now. Only major furniture will be out and about. I also have 2 staircases that now I am going to put handrails up, 2 other staircases already have handrails. I steady myself with the walls as I go down or up, but I know now how quickly this can happen with no warning and I want to be safe for as long as I have this house, which hopefully isn't too much longer. 2 years is my goal to be out of here.
                  A house with 4 staircases is no place for an off balance MSer to

                  This fall has scared me enough into doing the things I already knew needed to be done, but have been putting off. No more putting them off, I guess now I just need to prepare for my new life.
                  As I told my Aunt last Tuesday when she asked how I was doing..."Ms never lets me forget that I have it"
                  DX 10/26/11


                    Another been there done that here.........

                    I the past few years
                    or so, I have torn a rotor cuff, needing surgery, then a few months later fell again, needing surgery yet again. Last Jan I fell and broke FIVE RIBS followed my kidneys going on strike, so a few days in the horsepital to get my kidneys back on duty.

                    A couple summers back
                    , tinkering in the garage, my legs got tangled. I seemed like SLOW motion, I was trying to untangle my legs to avoid falling. Needless to say I was unable to work my legs and fell. At least that time I was able to partly control my fall and just got skinned up.

                    Aint MS fun?

                    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                      Unfortunately it's happened to most of us.

                      Sorry for your fall. Glad you were not seriously hurt. You can probably that most of us here can relate to your fall. It's happened to most or all of us.

                      Remember "safety". even if your sxs haven't really kicked in. I sleep with a night light because my balance is sooo bad in the dark. A couple of nights ago, I got up to go potty like a NORMAL person. Took two or three steps before I fell. Seems like my face always hits first. Luckily I jhave a thick carpet. I analyze what I did wrong and correct. That's what I recommend to you.

                      I have participated in Fall Prevention Teleconference sponsored by the MS Society. Maybe you can get a replay. I learned there are lots of factors that contribute to MS falls. Although I still occassionally have a fall, Ibelieve MSers don't have to fall down.

                      Good Luck
                      Progressive Relapsing MS


                        Originally posted by DIR
                        I am so sorry that happened to you. That's very scary!
                        Have you ever considered getting treated for MS? There is a new treatment out that helps elevate the symptoms of MS. I'm sure you have heard of it, CCSVI. I just wanted your feedback on it.
                        MSWorld has separate sub-forums for discussing several of the newer treatments, including CCSVI and Gilenya. The jury is still out as to whether CCSVI intervention helps alleviate symptoms for most people who have the procedure done.



                          I must say that my first month of martial arts training has prepared me for getting an MS diagnosis. Mainly lesson's on falling and not getting hurt. You have to train the body to react without thinking about it, and hoping for the best. Also my skydiving training has helped, you have to realise your legs can't stop a fall, they just break. You have to learn to roll with it, and let your body absorb the shock. It isn't the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end of the fall.


                            I can not imagin how tough that was for you, i have watched the harshness of this happen to others and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
                            Although I do not have MS, it has changed my life.

