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New-Where to go from here

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    New-Where to go from here

    Hi All, I am new here. I have not been officially diagnosed with MS but nine lesions (one fairly large) was recently discovered on a brain scan, after suffering off and on for 10 years, seeing doctor after doctor, and sometimes thinking I was crazy. I have all the symptoms related to MS and it all comes together now. I know next step is a spinal tap. My neurologist basically sucks and there are none nearby that specialize in MS (about 2 hours away in Sacramento). I wondering what is the best way to find an MS specialist?

    I have searched the internet but get confused, they list them some on this website, but looked up patients reviews/ratings and none are to great it seems in that regard. I do not trust doctors after so long of suffering and not knowing what was wrong with me and want to make sure I am receiving the proper and most up to date treatment before my symptoms become even worse then they have the last few years. Can someone help me. Thanks
    Elaine, 44, in Chico, CA

    I cannot even get the neurologist to call me back and he has had the report for over a week now. Should I try to see a different one. I am 2 hours away from UC Davis and the Sacramento, CA area. I know they most likely have good docs there but so many that I don't know where to start. I'm guessing the sooner I get on meds the quicker I can stop the progression. Any info would be appreciated.


      Hi EIrwin

      sorry you have to be here but welcome.

      I don't understand what you mean when you say the Doctor has your test results and won't call you back? Can't you make an appointment and talk to the Doctor then?

      Starting meds is the right thing, but you're not diagnosed yet...Is it possible the Dr is considering something else too?

      You can call your local chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and they may be able to direct you to a local MS specialist.

      Good luck
      Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart

