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Scared about LP

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    Scared about LP

    So I've had an LP or Spinal Tap done before. I was 16 when I had my first and they put me to sleep for it.

    My neurologist is sending me for another but they aren't putting me to sleep. They said they just numb the area. I'm freaking out, I'm so scared and worried about this. I really do not want to be awake for this.
    DX: June 6th 2012

    Originally posted by jessica_ View Post
    So I've had an LP or Spinal Tap done before. I was 16 when I had my first and they put me to sleep for it.

    My neurologist is sending me for another but they aren't putting me to sleep. They said they just numb the area. I'm freaking out, I'm so scared and worried about this. I really do not want to be awake for this.
    Jessica when I had mines done like that I didn't feel any pain at all. Just like pressure and that was it. All though they made me lay flat on my back for 4 hrs. I really think you will be ok just breathe.


      They're very good at it, mine wasn't painful, and I also had a similar procedure done when I had a trial for my baclofen pump (they put med into your spine instead of drawing fluid out.) As far as tests go, it's not too bad, IMO.

      But if you're really nervous (and everybody's different, what some people are nervous about other's aren't and vice versa), no shame in asking your dr. for a dose of sedative to get you through it. A lot of people do that for MRIs and I don't think they'd have a problem prescribing it if you tell them how worried you are, as long as you have a ride to drive you to and from the facility.

      Main thing is....stay flat, hydrate, and drink caffeine afterward so you don't get the "headache."


        Don't be scared!

        Hi! I just had my 3rd spinal tap done in September. I had local freezing with all 3. It was not painful at all, however.... it feels like a massive muscle spasm in your back when the freezing wears off. I walked bent over for two days, when and only when I had too. I pretty much stayed in bed for a few days. It's different for everyone I suppose. But don't be scared. There is nothing to worry about. Its a small pinch and it's done before you know it.


          I made myself a basket case worrying about the LP I had maybe 5 years ago. The fear was way worse than the actual LP, which didn't hurt at all. I didn't have a headache afterward, either--although I worried about THAT for two extra days.
          "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future."


            I've read that it used to be bad when a doctor was fishing around for the right spot. I think it sounds worse than it is.

            Mine was easy. The doctor used a floroscope to see where my spine was. After putting the needle in, the table tilted so that I didnt' have to do anything.

            It was pretty easy and painless. Find out the best place to have it done in your area and if they take your insurance.


              Take music!

              Hi, Jessica!

              I was really scared for mine, too, but everything went fine!

              One thing that helped me a lot was taking my iPod and listening to music to distract me during the procedure. And to pass the time while I had to remain still afterwards.

              I wish I'd known to drink a lot of water the day before - I wasn't well-hydrated, so the fluid took longer to come out. Actually, that wasn't a problem, except the neurology resident who did it was a nervous type and was nervous for me, having to lay there longer.

              Also, go to the bathroom right before the procedure. You'll have to lay there a while, and they left me alone, so I was glad I emptied out!

              After, drink caffeine! It helps prevent headaches. And remember that chocolate also has caffeine - so I treated myself to a brownie for being brave. I did the whole thing alone and took the bus home from the hospital.

              I didn't think to take some ibuprofen before leaving the doctor's office - for when the anesthesia starts to wear off. Ask your doctor if s/he recommends Tylenol or ibuprofen - but will most likely not want you to take aspirin, as it is a blood thinner.

              Lastly, make sure you have some stuff to keep you busy at home, like some good movies to watch. I basically found a comfortable spot and position and let myself relax. I was exhausted just because I'd been so worried. In the end, there wasn't anything to worry about at all.

              And if you're worried about the result, here's something a psychologist told me when I was waiting for the results:
              The result won't change what's going on with your body. If you have MS, it's already there. The result just gives you the information that it's already there. So you aren't changing, - just what you know about yourself is changing.

              Good luck with the LP day - fill it with relaxing things, and reward yourself afterwards!


                Have you had other diagnostic tests done

                for MS? If so, what were the results of those tests? Did you ask your doctor if the LP is really necessary if you had the other tests, or perhaps you could have the other tests done.


                  Originally posted by its2much View Post
                  for MS? If so, what were the results of those tests? Did you ask your doctor if the LP is really necessary if you had the other tests, or perhaps you could have the other tests done.
                  I had an MRI of my brain, which showed lesions/abnormalities or whatever you want to call them. I've heard so many different names.

                  I had an MRI of my C Spine, which showed nothing. But my doctor said that just meant at this time I have no inflammation.

                  He said I have 2 out of the 4 criteria and I have already had my first episode or attack. He wants to redo the Spinal Tap I had 4 or 5 years ago, for any additional information and to see if it has changed. I am also having a Memory Test done.

                  I was totally fine with that until I found out that I will not be put to sleep for it. I think my mom might call to see if they can give me something. A sedative or anything.
                  DX: June 6th 2012


                    Other Tests

                    Not sure how often Evoked Potentials Test is still used but it is a test for MS. Also, have you had lots of blood tests done?


                      Jessica , They can give you a sedative but I think you have to ask. I was really worried about mine because I related it to a spinal tap I had with surgery one time. Does not relate to the LP you are having. Mine was painless and I am a big wimp when it comes to medical stuff. It is one of them deals where the thought is much worse than the reality. I also had no after effects.


                        Originally posted by its2much View Post
                        Not sure how often Evoked Potentials Test is still used but it is a test for MS. Also, have you had lots of blood tests done?
                        I just had a VEP done last week. Waiting for the results.


                          Originally posted by its2much View Post
                          Not sure how often Evoked Potentials Test is still used but it is a test for MS. Also, have you had lots of blood tests done?
                          Yeah, I had a ton of blood work. I forgot to mention that. Only thing that showed was I have a low vitamin D level.
                          DX: June 6th 2012


                            Originally posted by Thomas Jackson View Post
                            Jessica , They can give you a sedative but I think you have to ask. I was really worried about mine because I related it to a spinal tap I had with surgery one time. Does not relate to the LP you are having. Mine was painless and I am a big wimp when it comes to medical stuff. It is one of them deals where the thought is much worse than the reality. I also had no after effects.
                            I think the only reason I'm worried is because I have had one before but they put me to sleep for it. I'm thinking it was because I was 16 at the time and under a pediatric neurologists care. But now I'm 21 and have a regular neurologist and I guess they don't usually put people out for it.
                            DX: June 6th 2012


                              I had 2 and neither of them hurt. I did get a bad headache for days from the second one.

