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Tired Legs

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    Tired Legs

    Today I noticed something odd. Just sitting here, I felt... tired. Not like I needed a nap, but like I had just run 2 miles back in the day. My legs burned (not painful, just... run-burn). So I ran my hand down my calf, and sure enough, my calf muscle feels tight.

    -_- I'm not getting spasticity on top of the numb/tingle/pain bit am I?

    Hi Kraheera,
    I am interested in the responses you may get to this question as I too have suffered with this burning/tired sensation in my thighs. I don't have the tightness you describe, but as you say it feels like I have gone for a run or done weights.
    Hope your feeling better.
    2004 pos/MS 2006 Pos/MS also Pos/Crazy 14/01/2012 here we go againDx RRMS 21/06/2012


      I am afraid you hit the nail on the head. I have a pump because of my spasticity. Even with the pump I continue to get very tight muscles in my legs at times. Especially with extra activity. Then my legs just feel "done." My husband will comment that my legs only have so many miles in then and sometimes I am out of mile.

      I used to take baclofen orally, before the pump. Perhaps you could ask your neuro about that. At first it made me sleepy but then your body adjusts to it. It is worth a try. I also take neurontin still for the burning and tingling: I take 2100 daily over four doses.

      Take Care


        I'm not sure if htis is waht you are talking about, but my arms feel that way sometimes. Like when I am washing my hair, my arms get tired like I have been holding them up for hours. When I carry stuff, I feel like my arms are very tired, and have done and are doing more than they are really doing.
        Anyone? Guessing this is just part of the deal...


          This is part of the deal!! I actually get both, both at the same time (can't get out of bed) then at times it's one or the other & I do what I can do.


            So far the trouble seems to be my legs... MOST of my problems have centered around my legs... though lately I've had urgency issues to content with too. Now THAT is something that sucks.

            Try running down the hall with bad legs sometime because you have 30 secs at most to pee.

            I'm sure it makes for a funny mental image, at least. Ah well, c'est la vie. Something else to bring up to the neuro when I go in again.


              I also get it in both. In my arms I first experience it folding laundry. My arms got so tired after folding a couple items, burning and just felt like I couldnt even hold them up anymore. It doesn't happen all the time.

              My legs do it more especially after a log day at work or doing too much my legs kill me. they burn, tighten up and spasm. sometimes I just want to cry. I also feel like I always have charlie horses in my calves.
              Dx RMMS 4/1/2011



                i have sort of the same but my legs are feeling "buzzy" just a weird sensation not the same as when my hands go numb but just weird
                and it makes me afraid im going to be walking along and they will give out

                HUgzzzzzzz to all having to deal with frappin MS!!!


                  I get the same thing too - usually legs but sometimes arms. It can come on all the sudden. Yesterday for example I felt GREAT in the morning but then all the sudden as I was walking into the house my legs started to ache like I had done a marathon. Ached the rest of the day. Weak too.

                  Burning sensation ... the first time I remember having this we were at church in the evening. I realized that I kept rubbing and rubbing my legs and then it occurred to me that they were burning quite badly. They ached and were weak too, but the burning was something new at that time. Now it happens frequently.

                  Thanks for sharing.

                  Not officially diagnosed due to non-MS-specific spots on MRIs, but the neurologists all agree it's MS.
                  Frustrated. January 2019: finally saw an MS specialist worth seeing. Maybe we'll get to the bottom of this.
                  EDSS of 5.5, sometimes 6.0

