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Feeling absolutely GREAT..until....

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    Feeling absolutely GREAT..until....


    I mean I have been feeling the best I have ever felt, I have been working out every day and just feeling great! We went on vacation and had a wonderful time. We were in 80 degree weather and walked a LOT and well I didn't get a lot of rest and sleep but it didn't bother me, when I got home I realized I can not feel my feet or my legs I don't know if I should call or should I should wait to talk to him at my scheduled dr. apt on Wed.

    I am so sad and bummed, I guess I am just venting! I know that I need steroids but I guess I am afraid my Doctor is going to tell me to just ride it out like he has in the past which will piss me off! I am seriously dragging my foot! I HATE MS today! Grrrr I have been doing SO GOOD!

    VENT OVER!!! Thanks for listening to me!


    Originally posted by mommyHeidi View Post
    I mean I have been feeling the best I have ever felt, I have been working out every day and just feeling great! We went on vacation and had a wonderful time. We were in 80 degree weather and walked a LOT and well I didn't get a lot of rest and sleep but it didn't bother me, when I got home I realized I can not feel my feet or my legs I don't know if I should call or should I should wait to talk to him at my scheduled dr. apt on Wed.
    Woah Heidi... that's exactly how I found out I had MS - went on vacation, walked around in CA in 80 degree weather, feeling GREAT. Then one day, I went on a pretty big hike with my husband, and woke up the next morning not being able to feel my feet. I figured it was a pinched nerve or something. Obviously, it turns out I was wrong though :/

    Anyway I am so sorry you were doing well until now. I would say that you should INSIST on the steroids! The morning I found out I had MS, they had me in their office 2 hours later to start IV steroids. I couldn't believe how well it worked. Insist!!! You should do whatever you need to in order to make -you- feel good, there is no sense in suffering, or "riding it out" as your doctor puts it.

    I hope you get to feeling great again really soon!!!


      I am by no stretch of the imagination a doc but it sound to me as if you may have triggered a pseudo-exacerbation. When we over do because we feel great that is how we get shocked back to reality. I did the same thing this weekend. I felt great even after my shot. So I cleaned my garage from top to bottom. But, there was a price to pay.

      So I wouldn't be too alarmed. Wait and see your neuro on Weds. unless you just feel more comfortable calling.
      Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

      It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
      Babe Ruth


        Dont wait it out!

        I went to Bahamas with the family at the end of june 11, I enjoyed myself and had nnoooo problems. I didnt realize that I did alot of walking on the ship with flip flops... OMG! when I was on my way abck to GA, my toes started to tingle, I brushed it off as , "oh its just from the walking". Then the feeling moved up my legs, up to my waist and back. Finally I couldnt walk by early July. Iam not trying to scare you or anything, but the weather wasnt very hot there and I assumed I was fine, but dont wait. Get the steroids because afte my 3 days it had no effect. I tried to go back for more, but they said to wait. The flare didnt subside until august.


          Thanks for reply's this is NOT a pseudo and I did think this, actually I always rule this out when I feel crummy because and 9 out of 10 time it is a pseudo...this has been going on for 4 days now and is not getting any better I just learned that my Doctors apt is not tomorrow it is Thursday and I couldn't get any meds anyways because my doc is out of town....let me make a correction....I could get some meds IF I WANT TO BE ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL! Seriously Who has time for that...I am NOT "THAT SICK" but since the on call doctor doesn't know me that is what they have to I have to ride it out till Thursday anyways which is crazy!!!! I have 2 little kids, and 22 people coming over on Easter...this mama doesn't have time for this Give me my steriods and let me live my life


            I truly understand how you feel. Me and the family (19ppl) are going to the cabins for Easter and due to all the stress of planning this trip , I am just praying nothing flares this MS up. I won't even be able to get in the hottub bc of the heat. Last time I was numb from the chest down. But enjoy your weekend and just try to take it as easy as possible.


              OK I put my foot down, I got a appointment with a partner doctor in a little bit. I will pretty much demand that they look at my history and not admit me to the hospital, what a waist of time and money...seriously! So we sill see, not getting any better and this is day 5, The doctors office actually called and said my doctor had a emergency and will not be in for another week and I demanded to see another doctor...THINGS WILL GET DONE TODAY!!!!

              I hate to be a ****** but when I don't feel good, I really don't feel good!!! I am so sad because I was feeling the BEST I had ever felt with this awful disease

              (I did go work out yesterday.....still gotta keep going and going and going,,,not going to slow me down)

              I will be back with the results of my dr. apt.


                Please don't exercise. Your body needs REST! Call in family to help with this weekend!



                  Originally posted by Sara Angela View Post
                  Please don't exercise. Your body needs REST! Call in family to help with this weekend!

                  I didn't work out hard just did a walk and it felt good actually but I will be taking a few days off now I feel like a slug when I am not at the gym

                  So here is a update on ME! I went and they sent me right over to the ER for my 1st dose of Sol-u-medrol I despise this stuff so much but it works, I am actually not feeling that from it but will hopefully feel ok tomorrow after dose 2. They blew 5...YES FIVE spots today every site infiltrated and I feel so very bad for the nurse who I knew very well (She was at my wedding and everything, most of them where since I use to work in the ER) Anyways...lets hope I start feeling better!

                  Thanks for listening to me vent!

