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Leg Swelling

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    Leg Swelling

    I don't know if this has been asked before and if it has I am sorry.
    I have been having a problem with my legs swelling, from my knees down. My knees, ankles and feet hurt so bad they feel like they are just going to explode.
    Every single step I take just makes me want to cry.
    I have been put on Baclofen for muscle spasms and cramps throughout my entire body and I don't have much relief, I am going to mention this at my next Dr's appointment.

    Has anyone ever lost their ability to walk simply because it hurt too darn bad?
    Does anyone else have the problem with swelling?

    I don't even want to put any weight on my legs because it hurts so much.
    I work 12 hour night shifts in a factory and we walk, usually very quickly, for about 10 hours out of those 12 and it is getting to just be torture for me.
    DX 10/26/11

    Hi Val!

    I've got that one too. Swelling from the knees down, that
    always gets worse as the day goes on. By late
    afternoon round about the same time everything is
    on fire and screaming anyway, my calves look
    bowling pins or steroids? (curious mental image....)

    Any-who, you might give "Ted socks" a try. The knee-hi kind
    they give you for surgery. Try to head off the swelling
    before it has a chance to kick in.

    You might have to experiment with a few sizes to
    find ones that don't get too tight as your shift progresses.
    They work really well for traveling, too.

    Good luck,

    "I'm not limping!! I'm just favoring each leg differently!!"



      this sort of lower leg swelling that is interfering with walking and has become painful should be discussed with your doctor. it can be caused by a number of things such as heart disease or kidney dysfunction or decreased mobility. it should be looked into to be sure that everything is ok, especially if this is a new problem. the ted hose that limbo described can be very helpful too. elevating your lower legs when you are sitting will help the swelling even if you are only able to do this for short periods of time while at work.
      dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11


        if the muscles in your lower legs dont function normally that can lead to swelling, i am wheelchair bound and have lymphadema as a result of lack of muscle use but even when i was walking it had started because the muscles did not work as well as they should at helping pump the fluid around- you should get your doctor to check it out to make sure that is the cause as there are other medical issues that can cause swelling from fluid accumulation.

        the ted stockings mentioned are an option but compression stockings come in a variety of strengths and TEDs are rather mild. having the wrong strength can make the problem worse or may not help. there are some physical therapists that specialise in lymphadema and they can 1stly help you get the swelling down, they use machines sometimes that are connected to inflatable stockings that use variable compression to move the fluid. Others use progressive bandaging using a 4 layer bandage system where they bandage daily for about 14 days and THEN they can see what size and compression level of stocking you need. this is the process i went through and i must say that i was surprised at just how small he got my leg down too (i only have the one) and while i thought the compression stocking would be uncomfortable and hot - it is not, it is far more comfy to have it on even in our 105 degree heat waves than to have the puffy swollen legs

        i need a new set of stockings now as the old ones are worn and i can tell they are not working as well and my leg feel slightly uncomfortable and heavy, cant wait to get them!


          Thank you everyone! I will get to the Dr about this. I never even had swelling when I was pregnant so this is very odd for me.
          DX 10/26/11

